This year's conference was held in a beautiful, new church that just one short year go was a dream. As you walk in you’re mesmerized by a glowing blue dome right in the center of the room. It makes you feel as if Heaven itself is there just waiting for those who are hungry to come and seek God’s face.
The conference began as Pastor Phillip preached a message of conviction that describes what History Maker is all about: “Go make Disciples”. That theme was carried throughout the whole conference. The people of
People traveled from far and wide to attend this year’s conference. One group traveled 28 hours by bus… they were so hungry for a face to face encounter with the Almighty God, and that’s exactly what they received! They came with expectant hearts, expectant for God to do something in their lives… They received their breakthrough because they wouldn’t let go until God touched them. They refused to be denied!
Some of the best musicians in the world come from urther manif
ested. In every aspect of the conference God’s presence was undeniable. For the afternoons there were several different workshops going on, and God’s presence was evident in each one. From the leaders’ and discipleship tracts, to the youth and community penetration tracts; God’s hand was felt. After each session there was intense ministry. Each team member was given the opportunity to pray for the people. As we worked our way through the crowd people fell under the power of t
he Holy Spirit. They cried out in desperation to God.
During the last session Pastor Richard preached with a fire and passion in his heart. He preached a message that called the people to be radical for Jesus Christ, even if that meant looking foolish or undignified. At the end as the call for prayer was given, almost everyone came forward. It was a divine appointment for many as God’s presence came in like a flood.
On the last night as we flung light sticks into the crowd, the whole place erupted with the sounds of praise and worship! Everyone praised God with reckless abandon… they were undignified before their King… the King of Kings! As the people danced before their God, His presence came down and rested upon them. H
e breathed life into the hearts that had been dry. He touched those hearts that grown cold and made them burn hot. He captured the hearts of those who had been running from Him. Simply put, He showed up and no one left the same way as when they came in.
One image that will forever be engraved in each team members mind is that of a little girl,
without shoes, walking through the streets of
God has begun to do something incredible in