History Maker Global Conference 2019

History Maker Global Conference 2019

History Maker Global Conference


DATE: 13-15 November 2019

VENUE: Qahal Family, Jakarta

It is with great excitement and anticipation that we announce the History Maker Global Conference 2019! Our coming together for this GLORY INVASION conference will serve as a catalyst for a global revival and awakening.

We have leaders coming from across the globe and speakers from USA, Europe and Asia. They carry an apostolic anointing and revelation to inspire, impact and activate this supernatural, emerging generation.

At this conference we will also feature leadership, worship and youth tracks for our afternoon workshops.

USD 320 (4 nights)
USD 350 (5 nights)

This conference package includes:
- Stay at Santika Premiere Hotel based on twin or triple sharing (check-in on 11 or 12 November and check-out on 16 November)
- Daily hotel breakfast
- Three (03) lunches on conference days
- All sessions and workshops of the conference
- Airport transfers

To register, contact Pastor Andy at triyanto.ark@gmail.com (local Indonesian participants) or Pastor Grace Tay at tay.grace@gmail.com (international participants).


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WEDNESDAY / November 13

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

THURSDAY / November 14

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

FRIDAY / November 15

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

JAPAN: 21-22 September 2007

Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth…” True to His Word, God has done a new thing in Okinawa, Japan during this History Maker Conference in 2007. No longer will Japan be known as the missionary’s graveyard, nor will it be said that Japan is a hard ground where the move of the Holy Spirit is difficult. Now, it can be said that revival is coming to Japan, or rather; revival has come to Japan in the tiny island of Okinawa! This is what the Japanese have been praying for a long time, and the time has come for them.

After flying over the entire night, the History Maker team was raring to go and rock the place for Jesus. We were full of expectancy and energy at the beach where the rally was going to be held. As the time drew near, we were once again reminded to be faithful with whatever little God places into our hands. Before our very eyes consisted only a handful of people, and the same question reverberated in everyone’s minds - is that all we have? Undeterred by the lack of numbers, the worship team gave it all we had and praised God as if there were hundreds of people around. It was a sight to behold as God revealed His faithfulness and the crowd started to throng in as the sun set against the beautiful seaside. As always, any sort of preconceived ideas about how a Christian rally should be done was broken as there wasn’t any sort of “formal” preaching. Instead, the Gospel was presented through music, drama and testimonies from various local youths. All Pastor Richard had to do was to sum up the entire night session by giving the opportunity for anyone who needed a miracle or a touch from God and the response revealed how hungry they were for a touch from heaven! In fact, despite the rally having gone on for almost 4 hours, it seemed as if no one wanted to leave! There is something happening in the atmosphere…

Like the previous year, the early morning prayer meeting in Okinawa is unique. It consisted not just of the team from Singapore, but many of the local delegates as well. It was during this prayer meeting where we started to see God do a new thing in Japan - there is a new proclamation for this nation. There is no mistake because God always gives us direction in the prayer meetings, and this time is no exception. The prayer meeting closed powerfully when the youths from Fire Typhoon Organization were prayed for by everyone present, empowering them for what is about to take place in Japan. Pastor Steve and Pastor Richard later preached up a storm during the final session in the evening, but what really stood out was when Pastor Nakama from Fire Typhoon Organisation be the first to respond to the call given at the end of the meeting. The call was a hard one - being ready to give up your life for the cause of Christ. Tears rolled freely as people counted the cost of following Jesus and being a history maker for Him. It is no wonder why revival has come to Japan when you see the number of people kneeling at the altar. No longer living for themselves, these history makers are ready to lay down their lives to see revival hit Japan like a flood!

As the trip to Okinawa drew to a close, God did something very symbolic during the youth night gathering we had with the youths. Although there were no pastors nor preachers that fateful evening, the Holy Spirit ministered to the youths in such an intimate way, we know for a fact that something has changed on the inside of them. They have seen first hand how God can use young people with no special qualifications to impact and touch the lives of their peers. Armed with the same vision and passion, a group of them will leave for Osaka the next week, ready to stir up a storm and see God impact that place. We ended off praising and jumping so passionately that some of us almost hit the roof literally! When the presence of God is so tangible, it results in such freedom and liberty that nothing else matters except praising God with every ouch of strength in our bodies.

Many of us felt an earthquake during the Sunday worship service and the tremors caused eyes to be alert, ready to take action should it get any worse. While we are prepared for a natural shaking, are we ready for a spiritual earthquake, a spiritual shaking that is to come in every nation as time draws near? Will we be aware and alert to what God is doing in these last days? The Holy Spirit is sweeping throughout Asia and the rest of the world, stirring up the hearts of man to rise up to answer God's call. What has taken place in Okinawa these 3 days is but a fraction of the revival that is to sweep across all nations. D.L. Moody put it so aptly "The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him. I will try my utmost to be that man." Can we, as history makers, proclaim likewise?

TAIWAN: 31 August - 2 September 2007

We had heard many great reports from our History Makers of Taiwan this year -- one of which was that God miraculously healed a boy who was dying in the final stage of prostate cancer, and delivered him from occult practice at the same time. During our indoor sessions, we saw the boy serving the Lord in the worship team, smashin' on the drums -- it was such a sight of God's mercy and faithfulness!

History Maker Taiwan 2007 was led by the Church In The River Of Life, and their passion to plant 128 churches all over Taiwan burned brighter than ever. On the late afternoon of Friday 31 August, our arrival was greeted with the usual extreme hospitality of our Taiwan History Makers. Our team from Singapore led by Pastor Richard William was joined by Rev. Hakan Gabrielsson. At the hotel, we met up with some of our History Makers from Japan led by Pastor Naomi Nakama and joined by Apostle Richard Brown. All these preachers were set to declare the Word of God over Taiwan, together with Pastor David Park and Rev. Paul Min from Korea, and Rev. Curtis Jones from Hong Kong.

Despite the busy lifestyle of Taiwan, the History Makers of Taiwan gave their time to the Lord. The schedule was packed and the air was filled with an expectancy for God to do a mighty work. Once the sun had set, we kicked off the conference with fervent praise to our Lord. The church had grown in size, and we were very excited to see new youth there. Not forgetting the older ones, their passion and energy in praising and serving their Lord would put many a youth to shame!

The Church In The River Of Life did a new and radical thing this year -- they made us literally live out our conference theme of "Possessing The Land" by bringing two of the late afternoon sessions to the streets! It was no ordinary street I assure you -- it was a busy boardwalk through the park of the grand and monumental Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall. And towering high in our background, stood the world's tallest building -- the Taipei 101.

The street crusade was like no other. From the stage, we bombarded the streets with an endless relay of music, dance and testimony. And on the street level, the History Makers went up to every single passer-by to evangelize. The atmosphere was charged with an electricity of the Holy Spirit, and we didn’t even realize that hours had passed. At the end of each crusade, throngs of unbelievers came forward for prayer, healing and salvation -- what an awesome sight!

Deuteronomy 1:8 "See, I have set the land before you. Go in and take possession of the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give to them and to their offspring after them." The street crusade was a reminder to many of us that God was waiting to use us in our everyday lives, in capacities way beyond our imagination! God is sending His people out to the ends of the earth, to tear down the strongholds and to turn the cities around. Are we willing to consecrate ourselves for the work our Lord? When you do, the presence of God will surely come, and His Spirit will empower you to take possession of souls for the Kingdom of Heaven!

INDONESIA: 16-18 August 2007

BREAKTHROUGH - that is the word that best describes this year's History Maker conference in Palembang, Indonesia. This was Indonesia’s year for breakthrough, NOW is the time for Indonesia!

This year's conference was held in a beautiful, new church that just one short year go was a dream. As you walk in you’re mesmerized by a glowing blue dome right in the center of the room. It makes you feel as if Heaven itself is there just waiting for those who are hungry to come and seek God’s face.

The conference began as Pastor Phillip preached a message of conviction that describes what History Maker is all about: “Go make Disciples”. That theme was carried throughout the whole conference. The people of Indonesia were challenged to go and be History Makers in their county; to go and make an impact for Jesus Christ!

People traveled from far and wide to attend this year’s conference. One group traveled 28 hours by bus… they were so hungry for a face to face encounter with the Almighty God, and that’s exactly what they received! They came with expectant hearts, expectant for God to do something in their lives… They received their breakthrough because they wouldn’t let go until God touched them. They refused to be denied!

Some of the best musicians in the world come from Indonesia. And during our second day that talent was met with the anointing and fire of God’s Holy Spirit. With each session His presence was further manifested. In every aspect of the conference God’s presence was undeniable. For the afternoons there were several different workshops going on, and God’s presence was evident in each one. From the leaders’ and discipleship tracts, to the youth and community penetration tracts; God’s hand was felt. After each session there was intense ministry. Each team member was given the opportunity to pray for the people. As we worked our way through the crowd people fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. They cried out in desperation to God.

During the last session Pastor Richard preached with a fire and passion in his heart. He preached a message that called the people to be radical for Jesus Christ, even if that meant looking foolish or undignified. At the end as the call for prayer was given, almost everyone came forward. It was a divine appointment for many as God’s presence came in like a flood.

On the last night as we flung light sticks into the crowd, the whole place erupted with the sounds of praise and worship! Everyone praised God with reckless abandon… they were undignified before their King… the King of Kings! As the people danced before their God, His presence came down and rested upon them. He breathed life into the hearts that had been dry. He touched those hearts that grown cold and made them burn hot. He captured the hearts of those who had been running from Him. Simply put, He showed up and no one left the same way as when they came in.

One image that will forever be engraved in each team members mind is that of a little girl,
without shoes, walking through the streets of Palembang begging for money. We were heartbroken as we watched her go from car to car, she couldn’t have been more than 5 years old. It made each of us realize how much the Indonesian people need to hear of the love and light of Jesus Christ. The revival has begun in Indonesia, it is just a matter of time before this fire sweeps across the entire nation.

God has begun to do something incredible in Indonesia, but He can do it in your county too! God is no respecter of persons. Cry out to God for HIS touch, for HIS presence, for HIS hand to penetrate the heart of the people where you live! He just needs one person to dare to be a history maker, will you answer HIS call?


MYANMAR: 25-27 July 2007

On 24th July, a truly international team represented by people from USA, Japan, Taiwan, China, Nepal, Australia and Singapore arrived in a spanking brand new airport in Yangon.

This is our 5th year in organizing a History Maker Conference in the city of Yangon, and this will perhaps be remembered as one which saw one of the greatest spiritual impact. Approximately 700-800 youths jammed packed together in the ground floor of an old Baptist church, in what can best be described as an overheated and overcrowded oven for History Maker Myanmar 2007!

The theme for this History Maker Conference was “Go Make Disciples!” - a prophetic call for the church to focus on discipleship and a battle cry to win souls. From the 1st keynote session a call for consecration and desperation for a move of the Spirit was sounded out. Various speakers namely Pastor Kelly (Singapore), Pastor Sharon (USA), Pastor Nakama (Japan), Sumire (Japan) and Eugene (Singapore), took the platform to preach God’s Word in the morning keynote sessions. In the afternoons, the meeting was divided into 3 workshops, namely the leaders’ tract (for youth pastors and leaders), the youth tract and a children ministry workers’ tract. On the final day morning, Ps Nakama preached up a storm and the conviction of God fell upon the people. At the end of the session, the crowd was on their knees and a desperate cry for a move of the Spirit resonated in the arena.

In the high impact evening meetings, Ps Richard preached and the atmosphere was saturated with a tangible anointing and presence of God. There was such an atmosphere of faith and expectation in that place that even after the altar call and ministry time was over, many people were coming forward to seek prayer for healing for various physical conditions.

The level of expectation determines the level of breakthrough. If we just expect people to jump around and have a fun youth meeting, then that’s exactly what will happen. But if we prepare ourselves and expect God to do miracles, signs and wonders, healings, then God will do according to the level of expectation and faith in our heart!

And that was exactly what God allowed us to witness in this conference! There was this man who was in hospital for 10 days before the conference because of a diabetic condition. For 10 days the hospital there tried to stabilize his condition but medication could not help. On the second day of the conference, the man felt God touched him and a ball of light just hit him. He described himself as the type of person that never cries in public, but when God touched him, he broke down and wept. The next morning when he went for a medical checkup, he was totally healed! Praise God! With Him, all things are POSSIBLE!

By God’s grace, History Maker has been used as a tool to harness and unleashed a divine potential upon this nation that is currently so ravished by poverty and political uncertainty. A Singaporean missionary who has been pastoring in Myanmar for the past 7 years has noted the dramatic transformation since History Maker had come into this nation. Before, the churches were divided and fractured and youths from various churches did not come together for prayer and worship. History Maker has brought the youth of this nation together, and united them with a common vision to see revival in Myanmar; or as in the words of Pastor Mun Tung, that “Myanmar shall be a Christian nation!” Today, in the churches in Myanmar, History Maker Conference is the talk of the town and every local believer in the city knows about this conference and every year they look forward to it with great anticipation.

The spirit and heartbeat of History Maker Conferences is more than just young people singing and dancing to loud music, or fiery preachers who shout more than we speak. History Maker is about raising up a generation of young people who are so hungry for the power and presence of God that they lose all consciousness of being dignified before the King of Kings! History Maker is about empowering a generation of youths to be so sold out for Jesus that they will be willing to lay down their lives to see the Gospel preached to all nations, to see revival ignite in a dry and thirsty land!

God is assembling a team that is going to spread this fire of revival all across the globe, reaping a massive end-time harvest with 2 sickles! Get ready, get moving!

God is no respector of persons nor titles. If He can find a person who is desperate and hungry for revival, then a whole generation can be turned around. Revival can happen! Just as the fire of God fell in Myanmar, it can also fall in whatever nation you are reading this from! History Makers let's posture ourselves for this coming move and impact the lives of our friends with the power of the Gospel!


NEPAL: The tide is turning

CHANGE - the word for Nepal. The first mission trip where God came through for the team for their flight tickets at the eleventh hour; The first mission trip where the team started off with rest before the conference starts; The first ever youth conference held and attended by so many churches; The first trip to a new country which started off with a huge bang; The first mission trip of the year 2007.

Over 600 representatives from 40 different churches traveled from all over Nepal to Kathmandu for their first ever History Maker conference. Many of them had to travel 2 - 3 days by bus just to reach in time for the conference. With such hunger and desire, is it any wonder that the move of God was so powerful in that place? Young and old started to dance in the presence of the Lord, many were slain in the Spirit - all these previously unheard of in this country.

Though it was a short trip with only 2 days for the actual conference, it was no barrier for what God had in store for them. As we traveled through the streets of Nepal, we saw many young people ready and ripe for the gospel.

These 2 short days saw many salvations, in addition to the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of others. The vision was given to the young people and the fire ignited. Conservative Christians now worship and praise freely and the burden of reaching their city for God ran strong in their hearts. Some of them were challenged further to stretch their faith and believe God will send them to Mumbai, India as part of the History Maker team. Why not? It’s not just spiritual change taking place in Nepal now. Even in the physical realm, changes are happening. Snow rained in Kathmandu for the first time in more than 60 years! The last Hindu monarchy in the world has fallen. It is awesome how God orchestrates everything.

True to herself, history makers do not operate solely during the conference. Even the van driver’s assistant wasn’t spared the gospel and at the end of ferrying us for 2 days, he received salvation and accepted Christ as his Lord and Saviour. A history making moment indeed!

From the pastor’s desk:

We entered Nepal at a “kairos” moment of God. The entire nation is in transition and we are so glad to be there at this opportune time in history. As the nation’s leaders were positioning new leadership to lead the nation God almighty was positioning his army to reach the nation.

We are so glad to partner with Pastor Raju Sundas, National Chairman of History Maker Nepal. He created an awesome platform for us to see God impact Nepal. We are so appreciative of all his staff and co-workers who work so hard behind the scene to ensure that this conference was a success. We applaud you History Makers of Nepal.

The hunger in Nepal was so contagious that every members HM -Singapore were so deeply impacted. The younger generation has been impacted by the Holy Spirit’s fire and they have caught the burden to spread the gospel across a once Hindu Kingdom.

Watch out Nepal, the History Makers of Nepal are about to change the future of your nation forever! Glory to God.

Praise God for all that He has done and accomplished during this trip!

For Asia's Harvest

Richard William


History Maker International