History Maker Global Conference 2019

History Maker Global Conference 2019

History Maker Global Conference


DATE: 13-15 November 2019

VENUE: Qahal Family, Jakarta

It is with great excitement and anticipation that we announce the History Maker Global Conference 2019! Our coming together for this GLORY INVASION conference will serve as a catalyst for a global revival and awakening.

We have leaders coming from across the globe and speakers from USA, Europe and Asia. They carry an apostolic anointing and revelation to inspire, impact and activate this supernatural, emerging generation.

At this conference we will also feature leadership, worship and youth tracks for our afternoon workshops.

USD 320 (4 nights)
USD 350 (5 nights)

This conference package includes:
- Stay at Santika Premiere Hotel based on twin or triple sharing (check-in on 11 or 12 November and check-out on 16 November)
- Daily hotel breakfast
- Three (03) lunches on conference days
- All sessions and workshops of the conference
- Airport transfers

To register, contact Pastor Andy at triyanto.ark@gmail.com (local Indonesian participants) or Pastor Grace Tay at tay.grace@gmail.com (international participants).


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WEDNESDAY / November 13

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

THURSDAY / November 14

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

FRIDAY / November 15

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session


JAPAN: 22-25 September 2006


Although she is known as the land of the rising sun, Japan has been 1 of the hardest ground for mission work for years. Missionaries after missionaries go there to sow the seeds of God’s Kingdom, but often fall on dry ground bearing little or no fruit. But things are beginning to change for Japan. The wave of God’s Holy Spirit is about to crash in Japan like never before, surpassing any power of hurricanes or tidal waves that has ever hit Japan.

There in the tiny island of Okinawa is where the wave has begun. The wave of change is coming to Japan. In fact, this is the first history

maker trip that the conference is held for only 1 night! The conference is usually spread out over a period of about 3 nights, allowing for the momentum to be built up, so that on the very last night, the power of God can hit the young people in a tremendous way. However, change too, is coming for history maker conferences. There was no luxury of building up the meetings. It was do-or-die. Either we impact the youths who turn up that night, or we miss our opportunity. God doesn’t need 3 days to touch lives. In the very night, God did with the people what usually took 3 nights of conference to do! That night, over a 100 people came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour! (Something previously unheard of in a single meeting in Japan)

The meeting was held out in the open, on a beach stage in a popular tourist area. Praise and worship was led by the history maker band together with Agape and people from different nations. Even though there might be a lack of musical coordination, skill or expertise, one thing was very clear – they carried the anointing of God when they played. This is how God gets the glory. Human vessels might be imperfect, but when the anointing comes, everything falls into place. The 200-250 young people at the beach, including Japanese punks attended the session with Pastor Naomi from Fire Typhoon preaching her heart out. Not content to be a typical Japanese lady, Pastor Naomi is full of zeal and fire for the Lord, preaching till her voice went hoarse. Pastor Kelly from Singapore then took the helm and preached up a storm. Of course, we remember the passionate testimony shared by Joshua Wong from Taiwan,

touching the lives of many, including the history maker team. There is something in this young man of God.

This history maker meeting is the first ever public Christian meeting in Okinawa – talk about change coming! Things are speeding up. Are we going to ride together on the wave of God, or are we going to miss it?


True to her D.N.A., the success of every history maker conference lies in the early morning prayer meetings. This was one of the largest ever, if not largest, prayer meeting at 530 a.m. People flew an entire night, arriving Okinawa only around 3 plus in the morning just to join the prayer meeting. Almost 50 people were found in the morning prayer meeting!

How much God moves in every trip depends not on the talents, nor dance, nor dramas, nor music, nor preaching, but how much is sowed in the prayer room long before day breaks. The prayer room of history makers is our powerhouse.


MYANMAR: 24-28 July 2006


Hotels in Yangon are now banned from holding any conferences. This is undoubtedly due to our presence there for the past couple of years, holding youth conferences that only grew bigger and bigger each year. Hence, History Maker conference had to be held the Chinese restaurant, FULL MOON this year. The Burmese leaders led by Pastor Kim Pau had to obtain a permit from five different government offices for this conference. While approval had been granted by four offices, the application to the final office was still being done on the very same day the History Maker team arrived in Yangon. Despite having not obtained any official permit to meet at the FULL MOON RESTAURANT for the conference, we continued to hold our meetings there from morning to night on the first day.

Turning up in the hundreds, the young people were eager to expect something from this conference. More than half of them were attending a History Maker conference for the first time. Pastor Steve and Pastor Ralfiel kicked off the conference in the morning sessions by preaching the call to repentance. There was no differentiation between the leaders, members or non-believers as everyone knelt on their knees, crying out before God to forgive them and heal their land.

The atmosphere felt heavy as the evening high impact session started. Once again, there was a strong call to repentance as Pastor Richard shared God’s Word. Hearts were being humbled as everyone present acknowledged their uncleanliness before the Almighty God. As we closed and ended the session, there was a sudden commotion at the back of the hall. At 2030, the military police found this meeting and gave us an ultimatum - we had to clear the entire restaurant in 15 minutes or the Burmese pastors and leaders would be arrested and thrown into jail.

It would be easy for us to deal with such an issue because what would happen is that after a week, we would board the plane and leave the country, while the local pastors and leaders would remain behind and fight the battle with the authorities. It suddenly dawned on us that just by simply organising and holding this conference for us, the Burmese leaders were putting their lives on the line. They risked arrest by going ahead with the conference despite not getting total approval from the various government offices, However, not once did they waiver in their faith, nor did any of them complained about the situation. Pastor Kim Pau and his group of leaders are so desperate for God, nothing is going to stop them in their work for God! They did not flinch in the face of adversity and we would see how the Holy Spirit moves in the next few days.


As the second day of the conference began at Chin Baptist Church, it was amazing to see how the word that the conference change of location got around the young people, where telephones were a scarcity.

As the conference got on the way, people started crying as God ministered in the place.

Here in Chin Baptist Church, as praise and worship took place, there was such breakthrough in the hearts of the people. Despite the fragile flooring, threatening to collapse any moment, the youths jumped and praised God, not bothered with the possible consequences of a caved-in floor!

Despite the fact that the authorities came to “check” on this place a couple of times during the day, no one was perturbed. In fact, praise and worship this day was much freer than the first. How amazing God moves indeed.

Pastor Ralfiel took the evening session and preached up a storm. He shared on prayer, praise and the Word and such a powerful wave of God swept through the entire place. Local youth pastors were ministered and in turn, ministered to their own youths, interceding for them.

This night felt like the last night for a History Maker conference. Such impartation usually took place on the last night, yet it was happening before our very eyes on the second night. God is truly accelerating the process and we were all so excited at what might be in store the final day.


We started the third and last day of the conference with a visit to their new church-to-be building. In faith, we prayed that within the year, they would be able to possess this new place.

The church members gave all they had, from watches to television sets, clothes, and even a lock of hair. They gave everything they owned, out of their poverty. While they have raised a huge sum at current, they are still short of US$120000 for the project to be completed. This building is the very first building that Adoniram Judson, the first missionary to Myanmar, used for his ministry. However, as time passed, the building fell into ill repute, becoming a house of gambling and vices. How appropriate that the church is taking it back now, signaling the end of the devil’s reign in the country.

Many of the History Maker team members shared their testimonies during the day. As they went up to share, some of them were so inspired that they didn’t want to stop!

As we approached the final evening service, there was just an awesome sense of expectation in the place. There was drama and dance as everyone enjoyed themselves in the sweltering heat. As Pastor Richard preached the Word, he felt that this would be a time of restoration and reconciliation with God the Father, especially for those who did not have a proper relationship with their earthly fathers. Tears were flowing freely as hurts and disappointments were being made right before the throne of God.

After that, there was such a powerful move of the Holy Spirit and being so drunk with the Spirit, Pastor Richard made his way through the thick crowd of people, ministering to all. It did not matter anymore how undignified he might look, climbing over the church pews, as long as he is led by the Spirit. After the mighty impartation, we ended off with such jubilation and celebration, singing praises to the Almighty God. As light sticks were being flung into the crowd, everyone started to declare with one voice, roaring the name of Jesus in the land of Myanmar. Waving the light sticks in the darkness, everyone declared prophetically that they will be the light shining in the darkness.

Exciting times lie ahead because out of this conference, a youth prayer movement is going to be started in Myanmar. Spearheaded by Pastor Kim Pau, he shared his plans of holding it in a public park where there will be maximum impact!

This was all possible not because of any talents, but because of much prayer and intercession. A week before the conference, the local pastors were praying everyday from 9 a.m. to noon, believing God to do something. Likewise, the History Maker team committed hours of prayer and fasting for this trip, making all these possible.

Quote: “The trip to the village was eye opening. The world is totally in the dark about the true state of the world. Regardless of our condition, one thing is true - the world needs Jesus...”

Pastor Ralfiel, Japan


Despite coming from different nations, different cultures and different backgrounds for the first time in a History Maker conference, it did not make any difference. We have come with one heart and one purpose, to reach the people of Myanmar, impact and empower their lives, that they might live life on the edge for the purpose of Christ.

Skin color does not matter, nor do language in the God’s mission fields. Boundaries are being blurred in these last days. God’s soldiers are being mobilised from every part of Asia and every part of the world to go forth to fight His battles. As we unite as one, the kingdom of darkness cannot hope to prevail.

Is God speaking to you today? Are you ready for the work, for the harvest in the fields? Are you ready to take up God’s mandate of bringing salvation to all mankind?

The time is NOW!

TAIWAN: 1-5 July 2006


A trip decided within 24 hours. A trip decided when an evangelist said “Go out to the nations!” A trip arranged by God - Taiwan.

How timely our trip was because of the situation our partners in Taiwan were facing. We have seen how everything fell into place, including the preaching of God’s Word by Pastor Richard., addressing the very issues that needed to be addressed. God’s timing is indeed divine!

When the spirit of God moves, time has no meaning, other than telling us that our physical bodies have limitations. The service often ended beyond midnight and these people were just so hungry and desperate for God! In fact, they were so hungry for more that we were not spared even while shopping and having our meals. A lady actually knelt down at the entrance of her shop in full view of the busy streets while being prayed for! This is a sight not often seen except in stories of revival. It will not be surprising then that revival is about to start in the nation of Taiwan.

God is doing something mighty in Taiwan even as He postures them for a physical move in their church location. There is something stirring in the spirit in that nation and in that church, and it’s just mind-blowing to even think what God is about to do there.

We are very honoured and glad to be invited to minister to the Taiwanese and being part of His plans as we responded to this last-minute trip.


INDONESIA : PALEMBANG 20 – 25 June 2006


As young people traveled from every part of Sumatra such as Padang, Pekanbaru, Jambi, etc. for the youth seminar in Palembang, they had no idea what they were in for. Many of them had to endure a grueling journey by traveling for almost 24 hours on bus just to reach Palembang. Talk about spiritual hunger, these people certainly has it!

Although they all came from different backgrounds, everyone who was present worshipped God in one accord during the two-day conference.

The highlight of this conference for these young people was during the second day. While we usually expected a powerful move of God during the evening service, it was not to be so for this particular trip. At the end of the afternoon session, the Holy Spirit moved in such a powerful way none of us expected. These young people were mobilised for the army of God during the altar call, being challenged to lay their lives for the cause of God. As they stepped out in faith to commit their lives, the power of God moved through the place and lives were being transformed.

We also saw how the Holy Spirit began to move in healing as broken hearts and souls were being restored. Many young people were sobbing as God touched their innermost being when they surrendered their all to Him.

Later in the day, pastors and leaders from the different cities came together. Denominational backgrounds did not matter as they agreed to work together to further God’s Kingdom and mobilise the young people for his work.

As the discussion went on, it became obvious that God was doing something phenomenal in the coming year as He is positioning people with the same heart and vision to see His work done. These leaders pledged to rally the young people from their cities and expect greater things in the year 2007!

What an awesome time!


As we spent our last night in Palembang, we saw a move of God like never before!

The power of the Holy Spirit swept through the place as the Word was being preached. The many youths present experienced such a breakthrough and after the ministry, their praise and worship became energised and charged with power. Any forms of inhibitions were lost as they danced and jumped before the Lord. The young people were simply rocking with Christ!

There was a defending roar as voices were raised up to heaven, shouting “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”!

While this night marks the end of the History Maker trip to Palembang, it also signals the start of a new work God is beginning in the hearts of the people present. There is a sense of victory as these young people take up the mantle to win their country for the Lord. The mobilisation has started - the army of God is rising up to challenge the powers of darkness. No longer will they operate on survival mode, now is the time to advance and take the nation by force.