As Pastor Richard was supernaturally directed by the Holy Spirit to address certain challenges that were being encountered at Church in the River of Life. At that point we knew that God had brought us at such an important time to minister to the body of Christ. God restores, heals and strengthens his church.
Friday morning we traveled 4hrs on a coach to Tainan. Tainan is located in a very special and strategic place of Taiwan. It was where the first gospel came into Taiwan and where churches were first planted. That explains why some churches have been there for more than fifty years & some even a hundred years. We had the opportunity to pray at a high ground where the Taiwanese worship the idol Ma Zu ( 妈祖 ), the supposedly guardian of the sea whom guards the gateway. We prayed and proclaimed God’s hand upon that location, that the gateway of heaven will open and revival will pour into the city.
The church itself was located just opposite one of the leading universities in Taiwan, National Cheng Kung University which currently serves more than 10,000 students. Such a great fishing ground for the church for the harvest indeed is plenty. The church is also surrounded by shopping malls and streets where young people hang out. The young people in the church were challenged to go out there and get those lost souls for Christ.
On the 3rd night in Tainan, a challenge was put forth to them. A challenge for those who are willing to make that sacrifice and to see revival in Tainan, a challenge to make their everyday life count for Jesus and to change the nation. The altar was filled with people weeping for their nation. God’s presence was so strong in that hall & everyone was being ministered by the Holy Spirit. Lives were changed & we knew that history will be changed because of those hearts that are for God. A new generation of history makers was unleashed in Tainan. Praise the Lord!
Sunday morning we traveled back to Taipei. Despite the tiredness of our physical body, the spirit of the team was high for the Lord indeed has done such a remarkable work in Tainan. During the Sunday service, Pastor Naomi shared about a rebellious 13 year old girl who has been transformed by the Lord and has changed her world. Japan is truly ready for revival. The Lord is already starting to do something in the hearts of the young people there. There was excitement in the hearts of everyone present.
Pastor Richard shared at the Sunday noon service on what it means to be a God chaser. Numbers 14:24 “But My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring him into the land which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it.” Caleb did received his inheritance in the promised land as recorded in Joshua 14: 6-15. Caleb followed God with all his heart and was rewarded for his obedience. This is the question that was thrown to us: Are we wholehearted in our commitment to obey God? Or have we allowed something else to take over that commitment to God? Are we really a God chaser or are we a world pursuer? Like Caleb, we must be faithful to God through our entire lives. We must never allow ourselves to rest on our past accomplishments or reputations and He will give us the promised land.