History Maker Global Conference 2019

History Maker Global Conference 2019

History Maker Global Conference


DATE: 13-15 November 2019

VENUE: Qahal Family, Jakarta

It is with great excitement and anticipation that we announce the History Maker Global Conference 2019! Our coming together for this GLORY INVASION conference will serve as a catalyst for a global revival and awakening.

We have leaders coming from across the globe and speakers from USA, Europe and Asia. They carry an apostolic anointing and revelation to inspire, impact and activate this supernatural, emerging generation.

At this conference we will also feature leadership, worship and youth tracks for our afternoon workshops.

USD 320 (4 nights)
USD 350 (5 nights)

This conference package includes:
- Stay at Santika Premiere Hotel based on twin or triple sharing (check-in on 11 or 12 November and check-out on 16 November)
- Daily hotel breakfast
- Three (03) lunches on conference days
- All sessions and workshops of the conference
- Airport transfers

To register, contact Pastor Andy at triyanto.ark@gmail.com (local Indonesian participants) or Pastor Grace Tay at tay.grace@gmail.com (international participants).


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WEDNESDAY / November 13

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

THURSDAY / November 14

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

FRIDAY / November 15

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session


We live in a highly shakable world, filled with people who are reaching for a grip on things that cannot be shaken - and God calls us to become people who have that grip! Hence, we have the theme “Unshakable Kingdom” for the History Maker Global Conference 2013. We are ambassadors of an Unshakable Kingdom to bring the goodness, stability and strength of His Kingdom into the shifting, shaking and shattering circumstances around us.

It is the second time that the annual History Maker conference was held in Taiwan. Dr. Aaron Wong and his church, the Church in the River of Life, hosted the conference at their facility in downtown Taipei.

Our conference started at 5:30am on the Wednesday, with Dr. Richard William, the founder and leader of History Maker International, leading the early morning prayer meeting.

We had an international praise and worship team this year. It consisted of members from Taiwan, USA, South Korea and Singapore. That morning, Ps Debbie William (USA) and Park Junyoung (South Korea) led the praise and worship. It was amazing to see people from different nations worshiping the Lord in one heart and in one voice.

To start off the conference, Dr. William spoke on a subject of great importance – intimacy with God. Moses’ siblings had challenged the level of intimacy he had with God. But intimacy is not something to be challenged – it is something we pursue. Our passion must be to pursue Him. We don’t pursue a movement, an individual or even a church – but God alone. We have come to this conference for one thing, that we might press in and push through to God. As we moved on to every session of the conference, many of our History Maker partners built upon the theme of seeking God like Moses did. 

At the afternoon workshop, Ps David Park (South Korea) shared a recent testimony on the importance of walking in righteousness. God does not work with unrighteousness. In righteousness, there is God’s protection. We need to seek God’s Kingdom first. If we believe in God and obey Him in faith, signs and wonders will follow undoubtedly.

At the leader’s workshop, Dr. Roberts Liardon (USA) shared with the leaders and pastors on the great men and women of God who had impacted their world. They were just ordinary people who gave their lives to make extraordinary impact.

Everyone was excited as we gathered for our evening meeting. Ps John Wu (Taiwan) and Ps Samuel Chu (Taiwan) led the praise and worship. The room was filled with exuberant praise and the presence of the Lord moved upon many hearts in that place.

Dr. Roberts Liardon was the guest speaker for the conference. He started off saying the Book of Acts is basically church history that is unfinished. It is being written by us today. He went to talk about John Wycliffe, who translated the Bible from Latin to English, which was considered as “barbaric” at that time. Years after he died, they banned and burnt his books. They even dug out his bones from the grave and burnt them. His ashes were then scattered to the sea. Would anyone care after you die? Would they remember you were here? If not, you haven’t lived.

The light of the Gospel is going to shine the brightest in this generation. Some say Martin Luther was born ahead of his time. But we are born exactly the way we are supposed to be. Neither too late nor the wrong nationality. Dr. Liardon challenged the youths in attendance with these questions: Will you stand up and be counted? Will you be bigger than you are right now? Will you give your life for the church in Asia?

The second day of the conference began with early morning prayer, led by Ps Amos Tsang from Hong Kong. Ps Amos built upon the importance of seeking God in prayer. When Jesus prayed as He was being baptized, there was open heaven. With open heaven, nothing is impossible. Without open heaven, we can’t do anything. If Jesus the anointing from the Holy Spirit, how much more do we?

To start off the morning session, Ps Debbie William and Park Junyoung led the congregation in a time of praise and worship. How lovely it is for believers to dwell in the presence of the Lord!

Apostle Richard Brown III (Japan) taught the importance of having God’s presence in the church. We have many talented, gifted people in the church. But what we really need is the fire of the Holy Spirit!

Immediately after, Ps Naomi Nakama (Japan) shared her testimony of reaching out to the victims of the tsunami in Japan. The site where the tsunami struck was in ruins - people lived in tents, and it smelled horribly. We, as Christians, are called to go to dangerous places. It is there where the lost will be saved. She told a story of a girl who was about to be swept away by the tsunami. The girl looked up and saw Jesus. The Lord took her hand and pulled her out of the tsunami onto land. What an incredible testimony!

That evening we had Ps John Wu and Ps Samuel Chu to lead the praise and worship.

Dr. Roberts Liardon gave a challenge to everyone when it was his turn to speak. What if Jesus called you to give your life to preach the gospel in some country, and no one would ever know your name? Would you do it? In our modern culture, we won’t. We want to be well known, popular and build mega churches. Most of us that answered the call are not going to be famous. But we can be assured of this – if we fulfill what Jesus asked us to do, surely the reward would be great.

The last generation of great Christian leaders such as Oral Roberts and Kenneth Hagin are no longer around. We are the next generation to increase the voice of Christ on this earth. It’s no longer prophetic, it’s here! 

We have come to the last the day of the conference. At the early morning prayer meeting, Sian Loh from Hong Kong reiterated the point Dr. Roberts Liardon made the night before. The day you had heard was coming, has come. He gave us the Mauri people’s declaration of warfare as an illustration, just as Haggai told the people of Israel, “Get ready, be prepared.”

That morning, Ps John Wu and Ps Samuel Chu led the praise and worship. We had an awesome time praising the King of kings and Lord of lords!

After the praise and worship, Dr. Roberts Liardon preached on a Kingdom principle of combination. Oftentimes, we don’t receive breakthroughs because we need two parts when we only have one. There is a combination of grace and truth. Some churches have either one or the other, but we need both. Then there is the Word of God – logos and rhema. Some just want the prophetic word, but we can’t just live off prophesy alone. Some are scared of the prophetic word. While the logos Word is good, but so is the prophetic word, rhema. It is a sign of maturity to have both. A combination of logos and rhema makes it perfect.

Jesus both preached and taught. Every church needs those two unctions of the Holy Spirit to function. Jesus also did another combination: healing and deliverance. We need both in our lives and in our churches at different times, to have restoration in our spirit and our bodies. That is how the principle of combination works. When we practice that in our lives, the breakthrough will come!

Dr. Aaron Wong (Taiwan) began the following session sharing about his personal experience in the recent weeks. One day in prayer, he was taken up like Ezekiel and saw a vision of a grass slope. There were different fires distributed throughout, with new grass shoots surrounding each one. God then revealed to him that each of these grass shoots were new believers. “Quick!” the Lord told Dr. Wong. “Press the church to get people saved, for the fire of the Lord is about to get on the new believers!” As Dr. Wong heard this, his heart was excited, for the fire would get on the older believers as well.

Another thing that Dr. Wong shared was regarding the last days. Based on the dimensions of the Tabernacle of Moses, people estimate the Church’s period of grace would end around 2030. He believes that something major would happen then. The question he posed to the congregation was thus: Do you have any plans when this calamity happens that God would use you?

In the afternoon, Ps David Hwang (South Korea) shared his church planting experience in Daejeon. The Korean church had once experienced revival. There were the early morning prayer meetings and overnight prayer meetings. They had great breakthroughs. Everyday people would go evangelize. But today, the Korean church is dying. There are not many young Koreans found in church. Of the 3% young people who are Christian, only 1% would declare they are Christians. Only 1% of youths are Christians. By God’s grace, his church has 50 young people. He finished by asking all the youths to come forward and for the older believers to lay hands and pray for them. There was a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit as the Lord touched, healed, and set these youths on fire for the work of His kingdom.

At the leader’s workshop, Dr. Roberts Liardon continued to challenge the leaders and pastors to go forth and do the work the Lord commanded them to do.

Evening came and Ps Debbie William and Park Junyoung led the praise and worship for this final session of the conference.

Dr. Roberts Liardon spoke about women in the ministry. Women have been oppressed for centuries. Jesus was the first to liberate women. He honored, respected and protected them. He broke cultural traditions to set a prostitute free. Women can also dream big and do big things for God.

Dr. Liardon closed his sermon with these words: Dream big, live brave and don’t be afraid of public opinion.

We then come to the closing by Dr. Richard William. He went on to say not all the great movements were started by the white people alone. We have great Asian leaders as well. But because they never wrote down anything or take a lot of photos so we don’t hear very much about them.

Wang Min Dao was imprisoned in China many years for preaching the Gospel. He paid an unbelievable price. Over 100 million people became Christian because of his ministry. We have absolutely no excuse, for God uses Asians too!

The moves that God brought through John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were different. Their lifestyles were different. There is a different emphasis, a different manifestation at different times in history. If we understand these moves, we will understand what God would do. The move of Holy Spirit is to set the church on fire. Without the fire of the Holy Spirit, the church can’t exist and can’t fulfill its mission. The move in one time may not be used in another time. We must be willing to change and to flow with what God is doing now.

Dr. William charged the young people to be ready and to open their eyes. What makes them great is not their education, but their answer to the call to reach the world like never before. This generation will be a faceless generation, people who care about the glory of God. We say we are waiting for God, but actually God is waiting for us. It is the time for to make a difference. Start a revival now. Whatever it is, we have to do it now. Let us be that unshakable generation. The previous generation was good, but ours will be the greatest!


Russia as a nation is poised to to be a key nation in this end-time revival. Bob Jones prophesied that God will raise up a red army that will gather a great end-time harvest. This prophetic word has changed our view on the need to focus on Russia as an important end-time nation.

The conference started in an unusual way, with worship teams from around Siberia gathering together at the conference. Some of them traveled more than 800 hundred kilometers to be there. That evening different youth bands took the stage to either lead worship or perform a rendition of their favorite worship songs. The presence of God was very real from the start of this conference, as there was a deep hunger and desire to see His presence manifested. Dr. Richard William stirred the participants to reach for glory. It is not good enough to walk in the status quo. God made us to manifest His glory and that His glory would be displayed through our life on a daily basis!

The first morning started with a leader's seminar. There is a new breed of Christian leaders in Russia. They were born in the midst of God's outpouring in the 80's. Their hearts are pure and their passion real. They are sincere in seeing revival. They are desperate for it more than any nation we have seen before. There was a time of deep worship. The variety of different teams leading praise and worship brought the worship level and standard to new heights. Dr. William taught on walking in Dominion. The critical ingredient the church needs to be effective in this generation is to walk in Dominion. Dominion is not an option but a fulfillment of God's promise that we will do great things in the last days. The greatest example was the early church. The early church members walked in Dominion. The result was they turned the world upside down. They did not flinch in the face of adversity but confronted it with God's power and anointing. The level of expectation was raised. The leaders responded with a deep hunger for a move of God in their churches and ministry.

At the first evening, the worship took off with great anticipation and excitement for the manifestation of God's presence. Dr. William spoke on how to believe God for a revival. The text used was the story of the four lepers in 2 Kings 7. God uses not the most gifted but the most available. The lepers were a distortion of God's image. In spite of their physical condition, God could use them in a very powerful way to birth a national revival. They could not go backwards and they could not stay. The only option for them was to go to the enemy's camp and they chose that - the worst option. Sometimes the worst option presents the greatest possibility. Our surrender births God's miracle. God is not looking for our agreement but only our obedience. The call was given - the call to surrender and the call to obey. The altar was packed with individuals with a burning passion to see Christ alone exalted in their life. The Holy Spirit fell with such intensity and power. Some were overwhelmed by His power, while others were infused with a great passion and zeal to give their all for the glory of Jesus Christ.

The second morning was a leader's seminar. The hall was filled with hungry youth leaders desperate for a revival. There was passion in the air as Dr. William took to the stage to teach on developing a winning attitude. He challenged the youth leaders to aim high and to never quit in spite of the difficulties they faced. He challenged them to depend on the Holy Spirit's power for new strategies to reach the youth in their cities.

At the second night we had a visitation of the Holy Spirit. It was a special night as the young people took a vow of commitment to stay pure till marriage. There is no better way to bring a conclusion to a youth conference than making a practical commitment to honor God in their physical body. Following this time of commitment and consecration, the worship was led by Dimitry Tikhonov. It was probably the most intense youth worship ever seen at a conference. The simple reason being, the hunger and desire for God brought His presence. Our hunger is fundamental. The degree to which God shows up depends on our hunger. From the start there was a yearning, a cry for a manifestation of His presence.

Our goal has always been simple: God take over and man moves out of the way. That was exactly what God did. There was no preaching. Actually there was no need for preaching. When God can find such hunger and fire, there is no need for preaching or exhortation.

The conference concluded with many miracles, physical and emotional healings, and out of body experiences. Several individuals had encounters with angels and a glimpse of heaven's glory. The place was shaken as it was set on fire. To God be the glory!

On the Sunday, Dr. William spoke at the three services of the Krasnoyarsk Christian Life Church. The manifestation of God's presence began to impact the meetings. That Sunday was very significant as it was the celebration of victory day throughout Russia. It was the day when over 2 million Russians gave their lives to push back the invading German forces during the Second World War. Dr. William both encouraged and challenged the church to rise up and seize the moment of history. Dr. William also ministered at a drug rehabilitation centre, a businessmen's meeting and the TBN/Krasnoyarsk Christian TV.

As a nation, Russia is on the verge of a great revival. The churches are hungry for a fresh move of God. We strongly believe God is going to use the Russian believers in a new and powerful way. The world is going to see the rise of a great Christian army in Russia. We are living on the edge of a great outpouring of God in the former Soviet Union!