History Maker Global Conference 2019

History Maker Global Conference 2019

History Maker Global Conference


DATE: 13-15 November 2019

VENUE: Qahal Family, Jakarta

It is with great excitement and anticipation that we announce the History Maker Global Conference 2019! Our coming together for this GLORY INVASION conference will serve as a catalyst for a global revival and awakening.

We have leaders coming from across the globe and speakers from USA, Europe and Asia. They carry an apostolic anointing and revelation to inspire, impact and activate this supernatural, emerging generation.

At this conference we will also feature leadership, worship and youth tracks for our afternoon workshops.

USD 320 (4 nights)
USD 350 (5 nights)

This conference package includes:
- Stay at Santika Premiere Hotel based on twin or triple sharing (check-in on 11 or 12 November and check-out on 16 November)
- Daily hotel breakfast
- Three (03) lunches on conference days
- All sessions and workshops of the conference
- Airport transfers

To register, contact Pastor Andy at triyanto.ark@gmail.com (local Indonesian participants) or Pastor Grace Tay at tay.grace@gmail.com (international participants).


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WEDNESDAY / November 13

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

THURSDAY / November 14

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

FRIDAY / November 15

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session


On 30 October 2012, a devastating hurricane hit New York City, bringing businesses, jobs and schools to a halt for millions of people. It was perhaps the worst storm ever experienced in the US East Coast. Months before the disaster, the theme “Supernatural Impact” had been finalized for the History Maker Global Conference 2012, along with the poster design. It was no coincidence the conference poster had a picture of New York City with a massive storm coming upon it. It is God who aligns things both in the natural and in the supernatural. In the natural, the world had just experienced a massive impact. Over the next few days it would be for us a phenomenal impact of the supernatural. The Spirit of the Lord is already at work and we can expect Him to move in incredible ways throughout the conference.

Our host for the History Maker Global Conference 2012 was Dr. Aaron Wong and his church, Church in the River of Life, Taipei. The conference was held at their second church facility in downtown Taipei.

Day One of the conference started off with early morning prayer, led by Dr. Richard William, the founder and leader of History Maker International. At 5:30am, leaders and delegates from China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan gathered at the second church. Prayer is intimate communication, not a religious formula. We know we must get in touch with God and connect with Him in a powerful way. If we don’t, whatever we do at the conference will be of little or no impact. The best model is our Lord Jesus. He didn’t teach His disciples how to preach, how to lead worship or even how to cut an album – but He taught them how to pray. Without prayer it is impossible for human beings to transcend the natural realm and impact the supernatural realm.

Excitement was in air as we came together for the opening session. This is the first year we have an international music team from Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea and Indonesia. Ps. Peter Shin (Singapore), Ps. Samuel Chu (Taiwan), Ps. John Wu (Taiwan) and Elim Tsang (Hong Kong) were the worship leaders.

Apostle Richard E. Brown III (Japan) spoke on “Dominion” from Exodus 10, where God told Moses to bring the Israelites out to worship Him. To make supernatural impact, first we got to have impact (or dominion). Pharaoh didn’t want to let Moses and the Israelites worship. He understood that wherever God’s people worship, we establish the King's dominion. The enemy doesn’t want us to worship or pray, because that is when the Spirit moves. The Spirit of the Lord wants to lead, guide, arrest and apprehend all of us. Then we will see supernatural impact in every area of our lives.

The next session we had Ps. Robert Lie (Indonesia) exhorting the believers to raise our level of expectation and to go deeper in God’s presence (Ezekiel 47), so that we will see miracles happen everywhere we go. There is nothing exciting about snorkeling in the shallow waters. Only out in deeper waters we can see anything. It is in diving that we can experience miracles, healing, glory and the supernatural. It is the people who are diving deep in His presence can shake the kingdom of darkness.

After lunch we had a session with Evangelist Clara Brown (Japan). She was all fired up and challenged the people to get more souls saved into the Kingdom. Her teaching was engaging and stirred the hearts of the people to have a new-found passion for the lost. There was also the practical element besides the teaching. Different teams went to the streets to do street evangelism, sharing the gospel with those who have not heard of Jesus Christ. We pray the light of the gospel to penetrate every darkness in our cities, and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord!

In the evening the atmosphere was charged with expectancy. The crowd was even more excited than before, giving shouts of praise to our Lord and King. We also had an awesome time of worship as we entered the glorious presence of the Lord.

That evening Dr. William spoke to the crowd about making history, not becoming history – that is what History Maker is about. God has called us to be heroes, but many live like “zeroes.” Heroes are ones who are radical in their devotion and commitment, and are ready to give up their lives for the cause of Jesus Christ. If we want God to show up, the choice is clear: step over the line of mediocrity and our lives will never be the same again. Many responded the call that night, renewing their commitment and passion for the Lord.

Day Two of the conference again began with early morning prayer. Sian Loh (Hong Kong) shared about Christians being the light of the world, using the example of Uriah. God wants us to be like Uriah, one who stayed away from temptation and refused any form of compromise. We need to get rid of any darkness in our lives, so that we can be effective light bearers in the world we live in.

That morning Ps. Amos Tsang (Hong Kong) exhorted the people to have a greater desire for the anointing. When Elijah expected to receive anointing of Elijah, nothing could stop him. We ought to be like Peter who wanted more – not Thomas who had to be pushed or the Pharisees who had a critical spirit. Let’s prepare our hearts to receive all that the Spirit wants to pour into our lives.

Next was Ps. Kelly Koh (missionary to Nepal) who challenged believers to step out to do missions. She encouraged the congregation to go to Nepal to share the good news. She also shared a powerful testimony about a woman who was bedridden for many years. The leaders prayed for the paralyzed woman. Nothing happened at that moment, but the woman wasn’t going to be denied of her miracle. The very next day she sat up and was able to walk around. Sometimes the miracle doesn’t happen the minute we finish praying, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen!

In the afternoon, the overseas delegates went sightseeing at Jiufen, which used to be a prosperous gold mining town up till the 1950s. This mountain town with quaint streets, tea houses and stunning views of the Pacific Ocean is now a popular tourist destination for both locals and foreigners alike. Everyone enjoyed themselves as they strolled along the old streets, trying out the many local delicacies and taking in all the beautiful sights and sounds.

That evening we saw the first ever ordination/ licensing service at the History Maker conference. It was to ordain Rev. Kelly Koh and license Ps. Hannah Ho for the work of the ministry. Dr. William, Apostle Brown, together with the History Maker partners, laid hands on the individuals to release a greater measure of God’s anointing upon them. We pray and believe they will do great exploits in the Kingdom!

Apostle Brown ministered the Word to us that evening, exhorting believers to get desperate and hungry for the Lord. The supernatural and miracles don’t just happen. To see them to the degree we desire, we have to enter the secret place with God. The question is whether we are willing to make the sacrifice to get there. Are we willing to pray, worship, fast and deny ourselves to see God move? To stay at the cutting edge we got to do things out of our comfort zone. Our desperation and hunger will create that Kairos moment where we see signs, wonders and miracles happen. Start placing a demand on the supernatural!

Day Three began with believers seeking the Lord in prayer. Despite being the third day of the conference the numbers at the prayer meeting did not go down. Ps. Robert spoke about the secret place, a place of intimacy only between God and us. Moses was one of the greatest leaders in human history, because he had a secret place with God. Every child of God must know how to worship in that secret place. Ps. Robert went on to describe how worship is like a dog kissing its owner’s hand. Therefore, worship is like kissing God, which is a private thing and can only be done in the secret place. Furthermore, kissing is for the most special person in your life, that is for Jesus only; kissing only happens at a close distance, which requires us to build an intimate relationship with the Lord daily; kissing is always two-way, meaning God will respond to us when we seek Him. Many took time that morning to dwell longer in God’s presence.

Our host partner for this year’s conference, Dr. Aaron Wong, shared the Word that morning session. He exhorted believers to have a spirit of unity, if we truly desire to be a spiritual powerhouse for the Lord. Jesus' prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane, the last thing He prayed for, was for unity. There can be no room for division in any church. At the end, everyone walked through a “prayer tunnel” formed by the leaders and pastors, and received prayer and impartation.

Ps. David Park (South Korea) continued the session, encouraging believers to be persistent in praying. Sometimes the more we pray, the more our life seems to get harder, because the devil hears us and sends his forces to attack us. That is not the time to give up praying. We must learn to maintain God's Word in our hearts. We must learn to keep what we have received these few days in our hearts. We must not allow circumstances or the devil to rob us. When we determine to keep our hearts and minds, God will!

In the afternoon Ps. Peter Shin (Singapore) encouraged everyone to be a person after God’s heart. When David was looking after his father’s sheep, he was learning how to worship. David didn’t complain at all or that it was boring. Just like David, we must go through a process before we can kill Goliath. We must learn to be a worshipper before we get sent out to do great things for the Lord.

There was such a fire and passion in the atmosphere as we came together for the final session of the conference. Again we had an incredible time praising the Lord that almost brought down the roof. Hearts were lifted before Him in worship and adoration. Evangelist Brown reminded the crowd we are anointed with the Holy Spirit and His power. We must get out there to heal the sick and set those free who are oppressed by the devil.

Next Dr. Richard William brought a closure to the three days from the passage in 2 Samuel 23:20-22. Benaiah was the son of a priest but he chose to be a warrior. He decided he was not going to stay in the comfort zone. He jumped into a pit to fight a lion. If we want to be a History Maker, we got to confront our circumstances. As we jump in, those are miracle appointments to make us stronger. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the breakthrough! That evening we saw the Lord move in a powerful way among the people. The Spirit of the Lord was poured out among all people. That night as we come to the close we just couldn’t stop praising Him. We went on and on and on with our History Maker song. 1..2..3..4…We’re gonna be History Makers in this land!

HM NEPAL, KATHMANDU: 27 July - 4 Aug 2012

Can you hear the sound of an in formidable army of God marching in sync? Pastor Amos Tsang (Christian Glorify Grace Church – Hong Kong) led a team of 14 members to Kathmandu for 10 days. This is the third year the church travels to minister in their mission endeavor (2010 in Taiwan, 2011 in Taipei and Osaka). On the first day we went to one of the highest point in Kathmandu Valley, Syambu to pray for the city. Duck Tse (Hong Kong) saw in his spirit a whirlwind sweeping across the nation as we intercede for Nepal, we believe a Holy Ghost “typhoon” is about to blow and transform the face of this nation.

Such exuberant and excitement filled the hearts of the people as they worship God in our Saturday service. A miniature heavenly glimpse of one tongue, one nation, one tribe, one voice worshipping one true God! Hallelujah! Three people gave their hearts to Jesus that day as Ps Amos preached the message of the woman at the well, inviting the hurting people, wounded soul to respond to the gospel. Deliverance, healing was happening as the team ministered to the people. After lunch Ps Amos took the leader’s training session. An authentic and unreserved personal account of 30 years of life experience as a pastor and being a leader were candidly communicated to the Nepali church leaders. Only those who are faithful will be rewarded by God. The leaders were tremendously blessed by Ps Amos’ impartation.

The next day we began our series of ministries in the schools. Manohar Higher School is a government school. Most of the schools are poorly funded and very much lacking in any learning enhancement facilities. Although the atmosphere in the school was depressing but soon it transformed to overflowing joy roaring with thunderous laughter!! Constant unceasing prayers were done in every school and as well as concert venue as the team prepared themselves. As hundreds of students make their way to the meeting hall, we could feel the air of excitement and the seam was about to burst in anticipation.

We opened our program with a majestic flag dance welcoming the presence of God. Ram’s horn declaring and ushering the arrival of the King of kings were blown in gusto. What a glorious atmosphere! Indeed there is no closed heaven! God can reach anybody at anywhere even in the hardest ground. Hong Kong culture, costume and custom were presented; followed by drama, dance, songs, and testimonies. The team did an excellent job! Lastly Ps Kelly wrapped up the session by weaving the gospel into a 5 minute inspiring speech since we cannot give any public altar respond. We knew in our spirit that the door to this school is wide open. The principal and the teachers were very pleased with the program. Thank you Jesus for the seed planted in the hearts of these young people.

On the 4th day of the mission, we went to Deepjyoti Higher School; a school which totally took our breadth away! We were welcome by the above principal and vice principal with unbelievable hospitality and heavenly favor. Permission was granted to us to preach the gospel openly; in a public school! Hallelujah! As students made their to the basketball court, our hearts were mounting with mountain moving faith; the students can be saved; the students will be saved; the students must be saved! Ernest Southcott said, “The holiest moment of the church service is the moment when God's people strengthened by preaching and sacraments, go out of the church door into the world to be the Church. We do not go to church; we are the Church”. Truly we have brought the church into the marketplace!

The students were mesmerized by the excellent drama depicting the bondages of sins in our lives, the radical and energetic dance, powerful testimony, fun games and Hong Kong culture. The moment of truth came when the message salvation was preached. According to Candy (Hong Kong), when the altar call was given, she saw angelic beings hovering above the students! More than 95% of the students responded to the salvation call; about 250 students gave their hearts to Jesus! Even teachers in the crowd raised their hands to the call of salvation! Our hearts were exploding with unspeakable joy! Glory to God in the highest! He is mighty to save!

The entire program was so well received that the principal of the school decided to share their Nepali culture with us too. Although it was a last minute arrangement, the students and teachers did an excellent job playing the traditional Nepali instruments and performed the cultural dance.

After lunch, we went to bless a Christian orphanage with some basic food supply. This orphanage does not have regular sponsor, so sometimes the children will go without food for a few days. The children would pray to God to provide for them. Upon arrival we told the children that God has heard their prayers, by sending us there to bless them.

We took Polaroid pictures with every child, prayed for every child and encouraged every child to continue to walk with God. One of the most moving moments was when we took time to hug the orphans, one at a time. Many of us, our eyes were well up with tears as we hold them close in our bosom. One of the boy asked Enoch (Hong Kong) sincerely and innocently, “Will you come back again?” Another boy who was left in the orphanage by his mother after the death of his father did not have even a single visit from anyone for the past four years. We were glad that in this short moment, we could share some significant times with the children.

The next day we went to Oxford International Academy. Although the crowd may not be as big as the previous schools, it did not deter us from giving our best. The happiest people in the world are those who are living out their dreams. It is an indescribable joy when we are living out the God given dream. Every day is a day of purpose. One choice, one chance, one moment for one God!

The team arrived in the school believing God is about to do wonders in our midst. Likewise we did similar program in this school. Students were roaring with laughter and smiling with glee on their faces as they watched the presentation. Right at the end before the team did the last dance item, Ps Kelly shared with the students, “secrets in excelling in their studies”. Praise God for the openness of the principal, teachers and students. Although we could not give any altar call openly, we knew the word of God will not return to Him void, but will accomplished according to what He has purpose! Amen!

Later in the afternoon, we went to another Christian orphanage. Likewise they do not have regular sponsors. We were delighted to be able to bless them with some basic food supply and pray for them. Although we only had a brief moment with the children, they have a special place in all our hearts. All souls are equally precious.

Fluorescent Higher School was the last school we visited. It is one of the top ten schools in Kathmandu. The school was so excited that they rehearsed their Nepali dance and cultural presentation weeks before we were there! The Nepali people are extremely hospitable and proud of their unique culture. The Hong Kong team without missing a beat blasted the hall with resounding blow of ram’s horn piercing the spiritual darkness and brought heaven to earth! What followed was a series of upbeat items like cultural exchange, drama, dance and games. Ties of friendship with the schools were forged thus making inroads for any future events. Praise God for the wonderful favor we have experienced in the last few days.

The much anticipated concert has finally arrived! All the chairs were filled; we had about one hundred young people on the first night and about one hundred and thirty on the second night! The team knew the hour is now. Harvest is here! Every team member is watching and praying “ferociously” over the audience like a hungry wolf looking for a prey; we want everyone to turn to Jesus tonight! Permeating in every part of the program done by the Hong Kong team is a spirit of excellence. They totally rocked the place for Jesus! On the last night of the concert we had our legendary history maker light sticks to depict us as the light that will shine in the midst of darkness. Working was a united team; Hong Kong, Nepal and Singapore, we harnessed a divine synergy. Scores of hands were raised when the call of salvation was given; over one hundred people got saved on both nights! Praise God forevermore!

Ministries in the government and public schools to hundreds of young people, doing concerts in a public cafe and blessing the orphanages have never been by anybody in Kathmandu. Every day we have to absolutely be dependent on the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit to enable us to do the things we did. Indeed we are called to make history wherever we go. God is making waves of history in Nepal. All glory and praise to the one and true God, Jesus Christ who made all things possible! The history of Nepal is about to be rewritten by the living God!!


There was never a day like today!

For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. (Hab 2:5)

Indeed it has!! God’s timing is always divine timing! The long awaited church planting dream in Nepal has finally materialized.

On 26th June 2012, Ps Kelly commissioned by History Maker International Church, Singapore arrived in Nepal. It is almost a prophetic act in the spiritual realm, to be escorted and received by hundreds of “military angels” upon arrival in Nepal airport. The sound of revival is drumming in the air!!

 About two-thirds of the world's population; more than 4.4 billion people live in the 10/40 Window and Nepal is one of the nations. Many have never heard the Gospel message even once. Eighty-five percent of those living in the 10/40 window are the poorest of the world's poor. Kathmandu is the nation's capital and the country's largest metropolis. Kathmandu Valley itself has estimated population of 5 million. Hinduism is practiced by about 81% of Nepalese, making it the country with the highest percentage of Hindu followers and monarchy. Buddhism, though a minority faith in the country, is linked historically with Nepal. However the spiritual climate in Nepal is changing. Much travail prayers and intercession have been offered into these nations over the years and now we are about to experience the greatest global harvest ever! “Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35)

The History Maker International Church, Nepal was started on 30th June 2012 with a passion to reach the Nepali with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord! Similar to the book of Acts, The Lord adds the number of people and the number increases steadily over the past few weeks. Almost every week we have people getting saved! Nepal shall be saved and spirit filled! We covet your continual prayer and support the work in Kathmandu. Amen!

HM HONG KONG: 19-21 July 2012

On July 19-21 the History Maker team from Singapore, comprising of Ps Grace, Hannah, June, Steve, Themis and Ying Xing, had the wonderful opportunity to be in Hong Kong for the New Life Youth Camp 2012. We are thankful for Ps Amos Tsang (Christian Glorify Grace Church) and his youth leaders for organizing this summer camp. Above all we are excited to partner with the Holy Spirit to reap a harvest of souls.

It was a hot, sunny Thursday afternoon. Close to 60 campers were gathered at the church located in Sheung Shui, with about 20 of them unchurched young people. We trust the Lord to touch every young person by His love and power and that no one will be left out of a God-encounter. Much excitement filled the air as the young people engaged in fun, interactive games to warm up to each other. Youth leaders of the church were assigned to be team leaders. Over the next few days they will be reaching out to the new friends. It was definitely a great start to greater things to come.

Soon it was time to head out to the campsite. The campers got on a chartered bus and were brought to the Tai Tong Holiday Camp, set in a picturesque Tai Lam Country Park located at Yuen Long. Once we got there we had an introduction to the campsite and were assigned to our rooms. We quickly went to our rooms to put down our bags and gathered again for the indoor games.

Different game stations were set up, each station having a different objective to accomplish. The Singapore team was tasked to share short messages with the young people when they came to our game station called “church.” We believe the gospel seed was sown in their hearts as we testified of God’s love and salvation. All the station activities brought much fun and laughter, and helped to bring the young people closer together.

Evening came and it was time for our first meeting. The Hong Kong praise and worship team took the stage and worshipped God with all of their hearts. They were rocking the place with praises unto Jesus! Testimonies were given by two young persons from the Singapore team, Ying Xing and Themis. The youths listened intently to stories of how they encountered God and the impact it made on their lives. Ps Grace later spoke to the crowd with the message: “If you believe, you will receive.” Coming to God by faith is that simple, not complex with a set of rigid rules. The woman with an incurable blood disease believed, if she could just touch Jesus she would receive her miracle. The Holy Spirit touched the hearts of individuals that night and we saw hands lifted in response to Him and received Jesus as Lord.

Early Friday morning the Singapore team started the day in prayer seeking the Lord. It was a new day and there’s got to be more today, more lives transformed by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Our hearts were full of faith and expectancy of what God was about to do, not tomorrow or the following week, but today. Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day of breakthrough!

Some free time was allocated in the morning for the youths to enjoy the facilities at the campsite. We hanged out with them as they tried out different fun activities such as rock climbing, trampoline, table tennis, badminton, rollerblading, pool, etc. After lunch there were more games for the young people. Two teams stayed indoors for team building activities, while the other two teams went outdoors to play “Running Man.” The teams took turns to participate in both the indoor and outdoor programs. By now there was greater bonding among team members and we could see closer friendships formed over that short period of time.

It was a long day for the campers, but nonetheless the young people showed up rather full of energy for the night meeting. Again the band rallied the crowd and stirred them up in singing praises to God. June and Steve (Singapore) shared their testimonies that really blessed our hearts. The Singapore team presented a skit, using the image of a soldier to illustrate the discipline of a Christian – if he wants to win he must not be distracted by certain pleasures. Ps Grace went on to tell the young people to “Dream big for God,” because in God the possibilities are endless. Joseph was a young person who had a dream of becoming someone great, but lost all hope for the future when his dream was broken. All is not lost when we put our trust in God. He is able to turn the odds around so that we become people of destiny! That night God moved upon the hearts of the young people and there were those who came forward to put their trust in Jesus. Some were in tears as they were being ministered to. One girl was amazed that things about her life that she hadn’t told anyone were accurately related to her as she was being prayed for. She was totally convinced that there is a God who loves her and wants to restore her. All glory to God for what He has done!

Next day morning the Singapore team came together to pray for the camp, believing that as we align ourselves to God, He will move in a big way. This was the final day of the camp. There was going to be a last session later that morning before the campers head back home. As the young people gathered, the band led them in a time of praise and worship. We sensed a greater freedom among the young people that morning as they moved out from their seats to praise God.

Themis (Singapore) challenged the young people with a message to know Jesus. The Singapore team presented a skit, illustrating how a person entangled by sin can only be freed by Jesus, who is the only way, the truth and the life. Hannah (Singapore) then took over to share about God’s redeeming love and plan of salvation in Cantonese. Her words and story greatly ministered to the youths. In closing Ps Grace pointed out that salvation is a gift freely offered to all by Jesus, in other words those who receive it by faith will get to enjoy all that God has to offer. A final invitation was made to those willing to receive this gift of salvation and experience a new life in God. Together with all the campers, Ps Amos prayed the prayer of salvation for those who would receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

We praise God for the souls that came in the Kingdom over those few days. God does not rejoice in the loss of anyone, but desires that we be saved and restored to friendship with Him. That is why the whole community of heaven rejoices when one sinner is found and restored to fellowship with God. Let us be on a rescue mission everyday of our lives, and join hands with the Lord to bring people out from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His marvelous light!