Several months have passed since a massive earthquake and tsunami struck the northeast region of Japan. According to statistics by Japan’s National Police Agency, 15,698 lives were lost, 5,717 people were injured and 4,666 are still missing. Furthermore, over 125,000 buildings were damaged or destroyed. The overall cost of the devastation could exceed US$300 billion, making it the most expensive natural disaster on record.
The numbers are telling of a nation and its people stricken by tremendous loss and despair. In a country traditionally known to be apathetic to the gospel, we now have an unprecedented opportunity to bring the message of eternal hope to many who may never before have felt the need for a Savior. We are convinced the Lord brought History Maker to Osaka for such a time as this!
The missions team comprised of both youth and adults from Hong Kong and Singapore, including a one-year-old baby who is part of a 27-member entourage led by Pastors Amos and Teresa Tsang. The size of their team is a third of their church congregation! The Hong Kong team’s passion for missions is truly commendable, because prior to this trip they were in Taipei for the History Maker Conference. With much excitement Singapore’s 4-member team led by Hannah Ho arrived in Osaka on the Monday night, a day earlier than the Hong Kong team, and all ready to win the city for Jesus.
On Tuesday morning, the team started their day at 6:30am with prayer walk along the streets of Doutonburi (a popular tourist destination lined with shops and restaurants), taking authority over the land for Christ! Again in the evening they covered the same neighborhood in prayer – person by person, business by business, building by building – taking spiritual ownership of the city and laying claim every place they tread upon for the Lord (Joshua 1:3).
Early the next morning at 6:30am the team went to Namba-Naka to pray and intercede for the community. It is only through prayer that the ground can be broken up for the seed of the gospel to be planted and produce a harvest. The team prayed against the powers of darkness, disarming principalities and pulling down strongholds over the city. With eyes of faith they began to release the Kingdom of God, declaring that Osaka belongs to Jesus!
In the afternoon the team was back at the Doutonburi Bridge – this time to do street outreach. A group sang praises unto the Lord as they played musical instruments. A few others danced in worship using flags. Another group performed a skit entitled “The Kingdom.” The rest went around handing out gospel tracts to curious bystanders that had gathered around, sharing the gospel despite the language barrier. Every person was involved in some way or the other – and they did what was assigned to them with remarkable passion and boldness. Even under the blazing hot sun the team displayed a spirit of excellence and was utterly focused on their job without a word of complain.
Later that evening the team did more street evangelism at Namba-Naka, just before the night meeting at Hope Chapel. The pastor in-charge is an American who has been ministering in Japan for many years now and speaks fluent Japanese. With just a guitar for praise and worship, the group had an awesome time in the Lord’s presence, even though it was just a small group meeting. Pastor Amos shared a word of exhortation that evening. The Spirit of God moved and touched lives, bringing salvation to a middle-aged Japanese man, and ministered strength and encouragement to the others. They had been praying for the Lord to send people to encourage them, and their prayer was answered by the team’s ministry. Heaven rejoiced that day when that one soul was saved!
On the final day, the team got up early for prayer walk at the American Village and Tsutenkaku areas. During prayer walking, they learned how to “watch and pray,” to become more aware of what is going on in the spiritual realm. As they tuned in to God and listened, they began to be guided by the Spirit and received insights on how they to pray. They were better able to understand God’s purposes and plans for the city and pray accordingly. It is always exciting to be led by the Spirit – and we can expect Him to reveal things to our hearts!
Around lunchtime members were sent out two by two at the American Village, to pray over the area, and then to do street evangelism. Later in the evening, the team proceeded to Tsutenkaku for more street outreach. Members were sent off in groups of four to do prayer walk around the area. Thereafter, the team came back together for the music, dance and skit performances. Praise God that everything went well that day!
There are many testimonies of God’s goodness, faithfulness and provision for this missions trip. Every person stepped out in faith and received a personal breakthrough. For some the Lord provided the finances for them to go on this trip. Others, despite their sickness, were able to serve and minister and were strengthened in the process. There are mothers in the team who sacrificed their time to go on this trip, and God gave them the assurance that He will take care of their families. In every situation our mighty God is more than able to meet every need.
This is the beginning of a new church plant that History Maker is starting in Osaka. The Hong Kong team played a significant role in laying the groundwork of prayer and sowing the seeds of the gospel. We are thankful for their support and their labor for the Kingdom, and pray that many more teams from different nations will capture that similar heart for missions and “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). God will surely fulfill the good work He has started in Osaka and bring it to completion. More work has to be done – the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church!
History Maker Global Conference
VENUE: Qahal Family, Jakarta
It is with great excitement and anticipation that we announce the History Maker Global Conference 2019! Our coming together for this GLORY INVASION conference will serve as a catalyst for a global revival and awakening.
We have leaders coming from across the globe and speakers from USA, Europe and Asia. They carry an apostolic anointing and revelation to inspire, impact and activate this supernatural, emerging generation.
We have leaders coming from across the globe and speakers from USA, Europe and Asia. They carry an apostolic anointing and revelation to inspire, impact and activate this supernatural, emerging generation.
At this conference we will also feature leadership, worship and youth tracks for our afternoon workshops.
USD 320 (4 nights)
USD 320 (4 nights)
USD 350 (5 nights)
This conference package includes:
- Stay at Santika Premiere Hotel based on twin or triple sharing (check-in on 11 or 12 November and check-out on 16 November)
- Daily hotel breakfast
- Three (03) lunches on conference days
- All sessions and workshops of the conference
This conference package includes:
- Stay at Santika Premiere Hotel based on twin or triple sharing (check-in on 11 or 12 November and check-out on 16 November)
- Daily hotel breakfast
- Three (03) lunches on conference days
- All sessions and workshops of the conference
- Airport transfers
To register, contact Pastor Andy at (local Indonesian participants) or Pastor Grace Tay at (international participants).
To register, contact Pastor Andy at (local Indonesian participants) or Pastor Grace Tay at (international participants).
WEDNESDAY / November 13
05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session
07:00PM - Keynote Session
THURSDAY / November 14
05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session
FRIDAY / November 15
05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session
07:00PM - Keynote Session
HM TAIWAN 29th – 31st July
The theme for HM Taiwan 2011 was WORSHIP EXPLOSION. This was the first time we had the biggest team ever; 28 people from Hong Kong led by Ps Amos Tsang and Ps Teresa, Dr Richard William and Ps Kelly from Singapore, Apostle Nakama Naomi and Eddy Thayer from Japan formed the team to Taiwan.
The HM Taiwan started with a “bang” on Friday night! It was far from a normal prayer meeting! The hall was filled with unbelievable joy and faith. In accordance to the measure of faith the people had, God moved! We had an awesome time of body ministry and stood in the gap for the nations of Japan and Taiwan calling for a much needed revival; desperate for a divine intervention for such a time as this. Many people were so thrilled with what God is about to do in this hour of history, the atmosphere was charged with great faith and expectancy. It felt almost like it was the finale night!
Apostle Nakama Naomi, HM Director for Japan started the next morning’s meeting with a radical and “dangerous” notion.
Traditional, religious church verses the unconventional and “structure free” church. The latter is not plan, initiated and orchestrated by men but totally directed by the Holy Spirit!
Japan has gone through “hell”. She has been bombarded with countless devastation: earthquakes, the strongest in Japan's recorded history, tsunami and radiation leak. Although there is a shaking in the natural, a parallel shaking is taking place in the spiritual realm. The aftermath has left the Japanese with no hope or faith in the government and is so ready and open to the gospel, the good news! The face of evangelism has changed. Traditional evangelism is primarily an invitation to come into church through programs. However now we bring the church to them! This is the hallmark of a true history maker; we don’t wait for a revival, we start a revival! Hallelujah!
She shared about an ex-heavy metal artist who lived in a card box, sold his soul to Jesus, and how he got saved. Now he is a radical evangelist used by God to reach out to the “dangerous” gangs in the streets of Japan. Once he pulled out the driver off the car and locked the car so he could preached to the tattooed gang members for 30 minutes! The once “peaceful” and “safe” environment became “dangerous” as more gang members are found in the church. Frictions, fears and tensions rise as many of her church members feel threatened and uncomfortable. She said it interesting to see how they squirm in their religious bubble. Again she reminded us that the church should never forget her missions and mandate. It was amazing to hear testimonies after testimonies of what God is doing in Japan! Indeed Japan shall be saved!
In the afternoon session Ps Kelly spoke on The Abiding Presence of God. We need to move from a position of visitation from God to manifestation of God and ultimately a habitation for God. Worship was never about us to begin with. We are here to please Him! 2 things will bring the presence of God; one is through prayer and the other is through praise and worship. The spirit world is
just as real as the material world. Angelic visitation, falling of gold dust and precious stones should be regular manifestations in our services! The need to have the Spirit of God moving in our worship has never been greater!
There was a tremendous hunger for the authentic move of the Spirit. Jim Cymbala, pastor of The Brooklyn Tabernacle once said, “I despaired at the thought that my life might slip by without seeing God show himself mightily on our behalf, always preaching about the power of the Word and the Spirit, but never get to see it”. This is the time for heavenly invasion of fresh wind and fresh fire into our dead and boring worship experience! Something must change!
Exuberant worship set the tone of the night meeting. There was such a release of heavenly joy in the atmosphere. It was unbelievable! Many were laughing and dancing in God’s presence! They were so “high”. We couldn’t stop singing the same one word chorus for over 20 minutes! Next we had Rapper E, Eddy to do a rap entitled “Show and Tell” which totally rocks the house. Church must be the most “happening” place for all young people!
What is the goal of worship? The goal of worship is to encounter Jesus! Dr Richard, the founder of History Maker International expounded on what constitute a true worship from Genesis
22. We need to break out from the traditional 5 songs, 1 announcement, 1 preaching, collect offering, benediction and then refreshment! Today’s service can become so predictable that we leave no room for the Spirit to have liberty to do anything. God wants to renew His people; to call us back from spiritual dead ends, apathy and lukewarm religion. We have to move away fromAs the power of God hit the place, cries of repentance filled the room. Many were screaming as conviction fell and many were shaking and quaking in the presence of God! Scores of people were set free and filled with His power! It was phenomenal! To God be the glory!
Another unique event was the ever first ordination service to be conducted during the HM Conference. 2 elders were ordained in the first service while 4 preachers and 4 pastors were ordained into the ministry in the second service. It is a milestone for the Church in the River of God. Indeed God is raising up more workers to reap the end time harvest! Leadership development is a life time journey not a brief trip. It is men who appoint but God who ordains.
“What makes areal leader?” Dr Richard reiterated the call of History Maker and that is we are called to be the shadow! We only have one mandate and that is to make Him known! The main text is taken from Matthew 12:16-21. “From today, you cannot resign anymore!” a stern and uncompromised message to all those candidates who were ordained. Someone said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power”. Leadership has never been about title or the gift or the role but its function. The greatest prove of our calling is the deposit of the Holy Spirit. Our assignment is to hang out with our Master; ministry is but an overflow of our love for God. To keep our perspectives in place, Dr Richard ended with a powerful story reminding us not to look for rewards here on earth as we are not “home” yet. Indeed He must increase and we decrease!
In the second service Dr Richard further pounded the responsibilities of a spiritual leader from Ephesians 4:7-12. We are given heavenly spiritual leadership gifts to continue what Jesus has been doing; to kick the “butt” of the enemy! We are sent to build God’s kingdom. Leaders are men and women who are resilient and refuse to take a posture of defense. Expect great things and attempt great things for God! The kingdom of God is a forward moving kingdom who knows no retreat! We must be driven by a passion and purity that brings force and clarity to the grand old gospel, bringing it alive with contemporary vitality and relevance. A new day has dawn! This is the hour for the church to arise!
One of the highlights in the ordination was the various candidates taking time to express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to God. Many of them will continue what they are already doing in the ministry but with greater sense of purpose and anointing. They were provoked and were greatly challenged to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth! Beyond all these, a new sense of commission from God and an endowment of power from on high defined the significance of the ordination.
It is without question that in every History Maker Conference, we earnestly yearn for His boundless presence to be manifested in every meeting. After each conference we are catapult to a greater dimension of work of the Holy Spirit. We are more driven than ever, more determined than ever, more desperate than ever to usher in the greatest reformation in the history of Christendom. We believe it will be our finest hour!
One of the highlights in the ordination was the various candidates taking time to express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to God. Many of them will continue what they are already doing in the ministry but with greater sense of purpose and anointing. They were provoked and were greatly challenged to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth! Beyond all these, a new sense of commission from God and an endowment of power from on high defined the significance of the ordination.
It is without question that in every History Maker Conference, we earnestly yearn for His boundless presence to be manifested in every meeting. After each conference we are catapult to a greater dimension of work of the Holy Spirit. We are more driven than ever, more determined than ever, more desperate than ever to usher in the greatest reformation in the history of Christendom. We believe it will be our finest hour!
HM Guangzhou: 27-29 May 2011
China has prospered. The modern, wealthy cosmopolitan city of Guangzhou is different from the 1980s, old China. In those days, although believers were persecuted, arrested and may even cost their life, because of their uncompromised, unwavering faith in God, their daily miraculous encounter with the living God have put many of us to question our own spiritual experience with God. Many heroes and giants of faith were fashioned in those perilous times. However nothing is farther than the truth in modern China. In China, the modern day believers are bounded by fear and unbelief. The devil has kept them in constant defeat and the vicious cycle of attacks. The tenacity and “violent” spirit of the forefathers were lost. Modernization and prosperity has crippled, paralyzed and shaken much of the believers’ fundamental foundations.
However through the preaching of the living Word by Pastor Richard, encouraging, challenging the saints to rise up and fight, to exercise their authority as a believer and to return to the place of prayer, the spiritual atmosphere of the church and mindset of the Chinese believers were changed. On the first session, Pastor Richard expounded on the authority of a believer. God's promises and resources have already been made available to us. We need to change our confession, our vision and our mindset. We are not CHICKEN but EAGLES! Indeed we operate from a position of victory! The next morning Pastor Richard further planted the seeds of faith from the life of Mephibosheth (2 Sam 9:1-13). The reason why we can have such a boldness and rights to receive His blessings is because of the covenantal relationships we have with God. Pastor Amos Tsang and Sian Loh from Hong Kong shared in the afternoon session.
Faith was rumbling in their spirit and a stirring in their hearts as they listened to the scores and scores of unusual and incredible testimonies from Pastor Richard on the second night. Indeed faith is active and not passive (Heb 11:1; Mark 5:25)! Pastor Richard concluded the final meeting with James 5:15-16. It was ironic for him to teach them how to pray when he first learned from the Chinese leaders how to pray about 23 years ago.
Slowly but surely we saw the transforming power of the Holy Spirit through the teaching of the word. Many of them experience deliverance and healing without the usual laying on of hands by the preacher. The size of the crowd grew larger each day. By the end of the session, the place was packed with hungry and desperate people.
The “giants” have been awakened. The spiritual baton must be passed down to this generation. They will indeed do greater works than their spiritual forefathers!
However through the preaching of the living Word by Pastor Richard, encouraging, challenging the saints to rise up and fight, to exercise their authority as a believer and to return to the place of prayer, the spiritual atmosphere of the church and mindset of the Chinese believers were changed. On the first session, Pastor Richard expounded on the authority of a believer. God's promises and resources have already been made available to us. We need to change our confession, our vision and our mindset. We are not CHICKEN but EAGLES! Indeed we operate from a position of victory! The next morning Pastor Richard further planted the seeds of faith from the life of Mephibosheth (2 Sam 9:1-13). The reason why we can have such a boldness and rights to receive His blessings is because of the covenantal relationships we have with God. Pastor Amos Tsang and Sian Loh from Hong Kong shared in the afternoon session.
Faith was rumbling in their spirit and a stirring in their hearts as they listened to the scores and scores of unusual and incredible testimonies from Pastor Richard on the second night. Indeed faith is active and not passive (Heb 11:1; Mark 5:25)! Pastor Richard concluded the final meeting with James 5:15-16. It was ironic for him to teach them how to pray when he first learned from the Chinese leaders how to pray about 23 years ago.
Slowly but surely we saw the transforming power of the Holy Spirit through the teaching of the word. Many of them experience deliverance and healing without the usual laying on of hands by the preacher. The size of the crowd grew larger each day. By the end of the session, the place was packed with hungry and desperate people.
The “giants” have been awakened. The spiritual baton must be passed down to this generation. They will indeed do greater works than their spiritual forefathers!
HM Hong Kong: 25 – 27 May 2011
History Maker Conference started its first conference of the year in Hong Kong. We were expecting God to move in a powerful way in all meetings. This was the first time our partner, Pastor Amos Tsang of Christian Glorify Grace Church organized a youth camp held in Noah’s Ark Resort, Park Island of Hong Kong, a totally different strategy and approach to evangelism compared to last year’s street outreaches (for more details, you may read last year’s post). The group comprised primarily teens from 11-12 years old. We had about 20-25 unchurched youths who have never been to a Christian gathering, never heard of the name Jesus, turned up for the camp. It was wild! Hong Kong is so ready for the end time harvest!
On the first day morning we had serendipity games where the “ice” was broken. In spite of the language barrier, where from time to time we had to use three languages to communicate: English, Mandarin and even Cantonese, we had a blast! Our spirit is kindred even though we may come from different country, culture and background. Truly Church is a living body of Christ, it is never boring! It should be the most happening place in town!
In the afternoon, we had Joseph from Singapore to do the teen’s program. Using various forms of gospel illusions, object lessons, fun games and songs, he shared the good news of Jesus Christ in an uncompromising yet relevant and simple way. In spite of their pagan background, they were very open and participated in all the worship sessions. Although they may not understand the lyrics of the songs, it was amazing to see that they sang from the hearts.
Pastor Kelly spoke on passion – “loving God wholeheartedly and others fervently” in the adult’s meeting. Nothing is ever accomplished without passion. God demands 100% commitment, as He is a jealous God. There was a powerful move of God during prayer ministry and many were touched by the power of the Holy Spirit.
“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?” Luke 9:25. Hong Kong has one of the world’s highest per capita suicide rate; 1200 kill themselves every year! Hong Kong is also the abortion capita city of the world; 1 in every 3 baby is aborted! Materialism is not the answer. Prosperity and ecstatic beauty is not the answer. Education and technology is not the answer. Only Jesus is the solution! Only Jesus can bring true significance and meaning to our lives! The last morning session, Pastor Kelly spoke from Joshua 10, “Never A Day Like Today”. God is raising up an end time army who will know Him and be strong and do great exploits. The unique characteristics of that army are as follows: 1) the greater the fight, the greater the victory! There will never be any victory if we don’t confront our enemies! 2) the mightier the men, the greater the breakthrough. We need to train ourselves to be strong mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. 3) the greater the prayer life, the greater the miracle. We pray, God will fight on our behalf! Never a day like today!
Praise God, we have about 8 boys and 7 girls who gave their lives to Jesus by the end of second day. According to Pastor Amos, although it was costly to organize such a camp in Noah’s Ark Resort, it was well worth it because souls are more important. Nothing is more valuable than a person’s soul. This is where History Maker totally fits in; we have been called to inspire vision and purpose in the next generation. Our passion is to see the end time harvest. Praise God for the results. The real “work” has just started for the camp, to disciple the new converts – the next generation!
HM Sri Lanka (7-9 April)
It is with great joy that I report to you on the success of the 2011 History Maker conference. The vision was to be a catalyst for generational change. Appropriately the theme was SHIFT.
HMI was privileged to sow into the lives of about 160 youth leaders from over 20 churches. The message was about “shifting’’ into being the leaders that God has called them out to be in this generation and season. The conference took place over two week-ends.
Many leaders were touched in a special way with both physical & inner healing. These young leaders were able to realize the importance of their relationships with their senior pastors. This enabled them to put their relationships in right order and strengthen their covenants anew. We had an emphasis on ‘’generational synergy,’’ and the importance and necessity of it to bring about true and lasting transformation of our nation.
The power and presence of God was evident throughout the conference and especially noticed when pastoral leaders released a “father’s blessing” over the young leaders. The charge was to go out and do what God has called them to do, so that this nation will be changed for the purposes of God.
Malachi 4: 5,6 says, “When the hearts of the fathers turn to the sons, and the heart of the sons turn to the fathers, then I will send the spirit of Elijah.” All of us sensed that a new revival is going to be experienced in Sri Lanka. We also felt that this will be ignited by God through the youth of the nation which will spread through the ages over time. We not only believe that it’s time for Sri Lanka to experience revival but also that it will break out in the most unlikeliest of places when God begins to use these leaders he has chosen to usher in this new revival.
Good reports:
I really understood through this training how I should work together with my senior pastor to see a change take place in my church and city. I saw the importance on Transgenerational Synergy. We should not run alone as a generation but run together.
Ruwan Hettiarachchi, Age 27; Worship Leader - AOG Kandy/ Pro Musician
Through the two days of learning, I understood that my leadership in school is very important so that a lasting change is made in my school. As I go back to school, I go with a big vision wanting to see my school transform. I am going to be raising more leaders to make the changes needed in the next years in the school.
Christopher Wijesinghe, Age 18, High School Student/ Student Christian Movement, President
I think this gathering has opened my eyes to see that we are the ones that can make a change in this nation through stepping into our calling as God has called us. No more I will be in my limited zone but will come out to be the woman of God that He has called me to be.
Debbie Rajapakse, Age 24; Youth Leader, New Life Church, Kotahena
Sonship is the one important thing that as young people we need to understand in this walk. I was a drug addict a few years back. Today God has released a creative gift on me where I'm making songs that have Kingdom value and airing it on secular stations. But though all of this, I need to know that if I am trying to prove myself. If I'm becoming an orphan, then I have lost the purpose. Through this gathering, I have learned to use my gifts as I am becoming into and entering into the sonship God is calling me into. In that, I will find grace and power.
Kanishka Fernando, Age 25; Youth Leader/ Pro Musician
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