History Maker Global Conference 2019

History Maker Global Conference 2019

History Maker Global Conference


DATE: 13-15 November 2019

VENUE: Qahal Family, Jakarta

It is with great excitement and anticipation that we announce the History Maker Global Conference 2019! Our coming together for this GLORY INVASION conference will serve as a catalyst for a global revival and awakening.

We have leaders coming from across the globe and speakers from USA, Europe and Asia. They carry an apostolic anointing and revelation to inspire, impact and activate this supernatural, emerging generation.

At this conference we will also feature leadership, worship and youth tracks for our afternoon workshops.

USD 320 (4 nights)
USD 350 (5 nights)

This conference package includes:
- Stay at Santika Premiere Hotel based on twin or triple sharing (check-in on 11 or 12 November and check-out on 16 November)
- Daily hotel breakfast
- Three (03) lunches on conference days
- All sessions and workshops of the conference
- Airport transfers

To register, contact Pastor Andy at triyanto.ark@gmail.com (local Indonesian participants) or Pastor Grace Tay at tay.grace@gmail.com (international participants).


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WEDNESDAY / November 13

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

THURSDAY / November 14

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

FRIDAY / November 15

05:30AM - Early Morning Prayer Meeting
09:00AM - Keynote Session
11:00AM - Break
11:15AM - Keynote Session
12:30PM - Lunch
01:30PM - Workshops: Leadership / Worship / Youth
02:30pm - Free & Easy
07:00PM - Keynote Session

HM SINGAPORE: 4-6 Nov 09


From across the nations, the family of History Maker came together once again, to urge each other to press on toward our upward calling in Christ Jesus. 2009 was fraught with challenges, but God had been ever faithful, and testimonies abounded from the pastors and leaders who came. A day before the conference, God was already ministering to the leaders, through His anointed servants Rev. Roberts Liardon (U.K.) and Ps. Shekhar Kallianpur (India), who shared the Word of God to these men and women of God.

On the first day of the conference, Rev. Roberts wasted no time defining Three R’s of the Move of God. There are two ways to study a revivalist – by what they say, and by what they do. And there are three ways to study a move of God – the refreshings (Acts 3:19), the revivals, and the reformations. A refreshing could be personal or for a church, and it would usually last one to two years. A revival would last for ten to fifteen years. Most people never make it to the next revival because they make doctrines out of their personal preferences (1 Cor. 12), and end up being resistant to God’s new spiritual emphasis and new style of doing things in the next revival. A reformation would last for a generation, between twenty to forty years, and its power influences every facet of society. Martin Luther the reformer, broke the back of the dictatorial powers of Europe, along with the erroneous teachings and unbiblical structure of the church. He paved the way to democracy, and revealed to all that the only way man shall receive life, was by faith in Jesus Christ alone (Gal. 3:11). Like Luther, a true reformer would not care if he were to die for the cause of our Lord. There is no secret formula to the move of God, but to simply find the promise, believe the promise, and confess the promise of God; until one day, it moves into a spirit over and in you.

The baton was handed over to Ps. Leonard Griffin (U.S.A.), who taught us about Seven Postures that Produce Revival – spiritual postures of prostration (Num. 24:1-4), kneeling (Eph.3:15), sitting (Eph. 2:6), walking (Eph. 4:1), standing (Eph. 6:13), running (Heb. 12:1) and dancing (Song 6:13).

By the evening, Ps. Shekhar showed us how each of us could proudly proclaim, “I’m Not Ashamed” of the gospel – for the gospel is salvation to everyone who believes, and the gospel is the power of God for every situation today (Rom. 1:16).

In our three days of conference, we were treated to many other sessions that were also anointed in teaching, lethal in preaching, and Spirit-led in ministry; by Ps. Aaron Wong, Ps. Sam Surendran, Ps. Amos Tsang, Rev. Paul Min, Ps. Wee Tiong Howe, Ps. Dam Suan Mung, Ps. David Park, Ps. Hanny Yasaputra, Ps. Naomi Nakama, Rev. Philip Ong, Rev. Larry Nelson, Steve Roberts and Rev. Hakan Gabrielsson.

On the morning of the second day, Rev. Roberts taught us about Staying Awake During the Revolution. Firstly, we need strong leaders in order to move forward (Judges 5:6-8). And when things are moving forward and working for us, we must increase in the things that we used to do that brought us to that point of spiritual birthing. During such a time, it is your responsibility and not God’s, to keep your physical health from breaking down. As you minister signs, wonders, healings and salvation to the masses during a spiritual revolution, you have to keep reading the Bible for yourself, confess the Word for yourself, and keep building your spirit – not for the masses, but for yourself.

Rev. Roberts continued in the night session, about Living in the High Call. The high call is the continual habitation of grace and tangible anointing upon one’s life, that has the power to affect the world. He taught us about praying in a way that gives us victory wherever we are – with an inner voice of authority, and with new tongues that can claim new territory (1 Cor. 12:28). We have to go from speaking, to declaring, to performing; and by enforcing chapter and verse, be taking new ground, binding the devil, building the church, raising the dead, healing the sick, and making money for the work of the gospel!

A History Maker conference is never complete without its prayer meeting at 5.30am; as it is often said, if there’s anything you shouldn’t miss, it’s the History Maker morning prayer! There were two prayer meetings in this conference, one on the 5th and one on the 6th of November. On the 6th of November which was the final day of the conference, the day started with a prayer meeting that concluded with the our hands laid on the flags of different countries; claiming the salvation of souls, and declaring the sovereignty of Jesus over those nations.

Later that morning, Ap. Richard Brown (Japan) declared, “No Risk, No Return!” He said that whenever God wanted to perform a miracle in our lives, He would so often put a demand on our resources. Jesus would wait until we have exhausted everything, and then say something like, “Why don’t you try this?” (Luke 5:1-10) Like Peter, we need to receive God’s Word as mandate. And when we step out in faith to obey, His Word will produce the thing for which He had sent His Word to accomplish! (Is. 55:11)

Upon reaching the last hour of the conference, Ps. Richard William brought us back to the heartbeat of God. He spoke of a “God’s Rambo” found in Matt. 11:11-13. John the Baptist did not seek to be great on earth, but he was called the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. To further illustrate, Ps. Richard highlighted some generals of God from Asia – Wang Ming Dao, Mama Kwang and Sadhu Sundar Singh. They did not fit the mainstream, they went through the most difficult persecutions, but they worked the works of God with power and authority, and brought the gospel to the world in ways unprecedented. Ps. Richard then told us a true story about a fourteen year old girl from Pakistan. This girl went to Christian meeting and got saved. She knew that her father would find out about it, so she kept reading the Bible and started sharing about Jesus to her friends quickly, for as much as she could. Three months later, her father found out about it. As she stood her ground for Jesus, her father beat her to death. But by then, this girl had already started a youth movement in Pakistan, stirring among her friends about who Jesus was. Within three months of knowing Jesus, this fourteen year old girl had already done far more than the average person who had been in church for years. Is something wrong with our Christianity? If you and I have missed God’s will for our lives in 2009, let us not miss it again – in 2010, nothing in my life shall overtake my commitment to sharing the gospel, and nothing in this world shall surpass my love and passion for Jesus!


HM India: 19-21 Oct 09

Greater things are yet to come! Greater things are yet to be done in the city!

This was the last HM conference for the year before the annual Singapore HM conference. We were expecting God to move in a powerful way in all meetings. The team was made up of 22 Sri Lankan youths led by Ps Michel, Pastor Sian Loh from Hong Kong and the Singapore team.

The concert was going to be held at the Marine Center in Mumbai, the most popular pub in the city. Pastor Anil has invited the most cutting edge and famous Christian death metal band, “Blood Covenant” from Chennai and “New Hope Order” from Mumbai who totally love Jesus! The Holy Spirit again inspired us a whole new unconventional way to do evangelism i.e. to reach a group of young people through a Death Metal Concert! Totally radical and out of the box! So radical that most of the main stream may not accept such band and music. The theme of the concert was R.I.P. “It’s Never The End”. Ironically this is the trend amongst young people today. The lack of vision and purpose had led to place of meaningless existence. This is where History Maker totally fits in; we have been called to inspire vision and purpose in the midst of emptiness. Our passion is to call champions to radical living.

The music was so loud, so deafening that we felt our entire body resonating to every beat of it. Screaming the song, banging their heads, swinging their long hair, moshing their bodies (a kind of dance where they bang each other) were common practices in such concerts. In the midst of their “high”, there came a sudden dead silence. To the shock and horror of the audience, an actual coffin was brought to the middle of the stage. “What’s going on?!” exclaimed Pastor Richard as he got out of the coffin. He went on to share how our lives can suddenly be taken away in the midst of fun and excitement. Only through Jesus we can find true meaning and purpose in life because He is the only One who conquered the grave and defeated death.

Truly this was a new platform for HM Singapore. Stepping out of our own comfort zones and stepping into arenas that do not seem inviting but rather under the control and influence of satanic forces. Through the concert there was an engagement of warfare but “Glory to God in the Highest”, he won the victory! Although the crowd was rowdy, rude and rebellious but the spiritual atmosphere changed when the gospel was shared. After a few minutes of engagement, the altar call was given several young people acknowledge their desire to give their hearts to Jesus.

Every HM Conference begins at 5.30am for prayer meeting. It is the most important meeting for the day as God will begin to align everything we do with His heavenly plans. Here we wait to receive instructions from our Commander in Chief! On the second morning some of us rode on motorbikes and others on buses to pray at beach and by the park in Mumbai. Indeed greater things are yet to come! Greater things are yet to be done in the city!

Another highlight of the conference was having Pastor Shekhar Kallianpur. He has been the Senior Pastor of New Life Fellowship since 1985, six years after receiving Jesus Christ as his Savior. His message is simple and yet so rich in truth. The world does not need another religion, they need the reality of what they believe is true; and only Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!

“We do not want just a touch from God but an over flow of His Spirit” was the main theme of Pastor Richard’s message. He then took a bottle of water and poured it over his head to illustrate his point. If we WANT to go higher in God, we NEED to go deeper in Him. Many of us have reduced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to speaking in tongues and remained powerless. Signs, wonders and miracles must be part and parcel of our daily living was the challenge given. Let’s not “play” church anymore. 100% of the delegates answered every altar call that was given in every session! There was such a passion and hunger among the young people. They want change! They are ready for change!

The dance and the drama teams from Sri Lanka were incredible! The audience was memorized by their creative aesthetic performances. Using a mozie can and a lighter to create a fire was bold and radical!

Other sessions were taken by Ps Michel who preached an uncompromising message provoking the youth unto holy living, and Sian Loh who preached prophetically on the calling of God. Disciple workshop was conducted by Pastor Kelly imparting a vision to the young people to disciple because “Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

In true History Maker fashion, the conference ended with light sticks. The conference ended with a celebration of prophetic proclamation that India shall be saved! In the darkest hour, the light will shine even brighter for the glory of God!

Mumbai, capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra ranks among the most populous cities in the world in terms of population, with a city having a population of approximately 14 million inhabitants. A city renown in the world for infamous Hindi film and television industry, known as Bollywood. Mumbai is the commercial and entertainment centre of India, home to many important financial institutions. The leaders unanimously believe greater things are yet to come! Greater things are yet to be done in the city!

HM TAIWAN: 27-30 Aug 09

In 1999, the second-deadliest earthquake in the recorded history of Taiwan killed 2,416 people on the island. But God had prepared His servants way before hand, and a gospel crusade was held in the basketball court of a quake-damaged junior school a week after the earthquake. By the 3rd and final day of the crusade, over 2,000 young people had given their lives to Jesus! On that day, History Maker was born.

10 years later, the deadliest typhoon in the recorded history of Taiwan struck in early August 2009. A total of 461 were confirmed to have died so far and thousands were made homeless. But God had prepared His servants months ahead once again, and History Maker Taiwan 2009 was set to bring a new move of God starting from 27 August.

The ministry team was made up of Steve Roberts from Malaysia, Pastor Naomi Nakama and Eddy from Japan, and Pastor Richard William and his team from Singapore. Hosted by Church in the River of Life and led by Pastor Aaron Wong, the unique program of this conference scored another first in all of History Maker. There were basically 3 streams to the conference, and it all started up north in Taipei on Thursday evening. On Friday afternoon, Pastor Richard and team made their way to the southern tip in Pingtung; and Pastor Naomi and Eddy headed southwest to Tainan. All this while, Steve Roberts stayed behind in Taipei. On Saturday afternoon, Pastor Aaron Wong stayed on in Pingtung while Pastor Richard and team headed up to Tainan; and Pastor Naomi and Eddy returned to Taipei. And finally on Sunday afternoon, Pastor Richard and team, and Pastor Aaron returned to Taipei.

We have seen the History Maker of Taipei (Church in the River of Life) grow ever since we joined hands with them – from 10 over youth in 2005, to 50 over youth today. And the senior folks in the church were fired up for Jesus more than ever. In Taipei and Pingtung, some of the senior folks would praise God with such a gusto that would probably leave an average youth trailing in the dust. Over in Pingtung, we could see that some of the young people were truly seeking God with all their hearts during the times of worship and altar ministry. This being our second visit to Tainan from last year, we could see that freedom for the Holy Spirit to work was increasingly evident there. In all the places we ministered at, the people were so hungry for God. Whenever the altar call was given, the people would run to the front and pack the altar to receive prayer. In Taipei, at the Saturday night Youth Concert alone, we saw 43 young people give their lives to Jesus for the first time!

We believe that the natural disaster in Taiwan had further prepared the ground for the Word of God, and the hearts of the people of History Maker Taiwan received God’s Word with deep conviction each time. In quite a few cases during the time of altar ministry, we saw stubborn and ferocious demons being cast out in the name of Jesus. And during specific sessions of prayer ministry for individuals, our Lord never failed to release sharp and accurate words through his ministering servants, leaving those believers with a clear choice to take a step faith forward and breakthrough!

The aftermath of the disaster in Taiwan was obvious in places steeped in idolatry. They were pummelled by floodwaters of 1-storey depth, 7-storey buildings were felled and swept away, and mudslides of 5-storey depths swallowed whole villages. On the other hand, places with fervent Christian churches were virtually unscathed by the relentless Typhoon Morakot! Like Abraham’s servant who brought Rebekah to Isaac, we believe that God will give supernatural answers to the faithful who continue to plough in God’s work. Like Joseph who became the prime minister of Egypt after 20 years of slavery and imprisonment, we believe that God will raise them up in an unexpected hour, and lead many to salvation in Christ Jesus. Taiwan will be saved!

HM Hong Kong . Shenzhen: 24-26 July 09

“SPUR ONE ANOTHER ON” (Hebrews 10:24) was the theme for this year’s History Maker Hong Kong/ Shenzhen. On Friday afternoon, July 24, the conference kick started with teams from Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and New York (Assemblies of God) going to the streets of Mongkok, a popular and busy shopping district, to do outreach and spread the love of Jesus Christ to locals and tourists. Our spirits were high and much excitement was in the air as we walked down Sai Yeung Choi Street. There we met with a Christian tourist organization that provided us with the gospel packages. Inside each bag were gospel tracts, CDs and lots of other information. We were then divided into 3 different groups; one group to sing praise and worship unto God; second group to do prayer walk around the area; and the third group to give out gospel packages and talk to the passer-bys. Many stopped to listen to us praise and worship God. That afternoon we distributed over 2,000 gospel packages in just 2 hours, the highest record ever!

We ended our outreach at about 7pm and proceeded to Joyful Harvest Fellowship for the evening evangelistic rally. A few of those we met at the Mongkok outreach turned up for the meeting, praise God! The meeting hall was packed as we started the praise and worship. This year the worship team consisted of Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong members. Even though it was their first time leading worship together, there was much synergy and unity that flowed from the praise and worship singing both English and Mandarin songs. Pastor Richard William preached on “Divine Guidance” from Genesis 24, challenging the congregation if they want to be world changers, they cannot live ordinary lives. Many responded to the call to radical faith, desiring to do extraordinary things for the Kingdom of God. The different pastors and teams then ministered and prayed for the individuals.

The next day early morning on 25 July, the teams from Singapore and Taiwan met at 5:30am for prayer. One of the trademarks of History Maker is prayer, a time of seeking the Lord’s face and getting ourselves aligned to God’s will and purpose for that day. We had an awesome time in the Lord’s presence, praying for the Spirit to move mightily in the conference and to bring about revival in the church and the city.

That morning Pastor Samuel Chu (Taipei) ministered God’s Word from Hosea 14:5-7. He encouraged the church to keep loving one another and loving the Lord for Him to do greater things in their midst. He also shared an incredible testimony on how he came to know Jesus and how the Lord turned his life around from a former gangster to a preacher now. Continuing the morning session, Pastor Richard shared on “Making a Difference” from 1 Samuel 14, calling the people to activate their faith so as to see God in action in their lives. The prophetic word released for the church was breakthrough is coming to God’s church and to believe it will happen now. We ended the session with praying for God’s strengthening, empowerment and anointing for the pastors.

In the afternoon we continued the conference with workshops on “Creative Outreach Methods” conducted by Hannah, Cheng Yao and Kell (Singapore). Held concurrently was a workshop on “Discipleship” conducted by Grace, Daniel and Angela (Singapore). The last workshop session was on “Dynamite Gospel” conducted by Pastor Samuel (Taipei). That afternoon we had a fruitful time learning from one another the different methods and strategies in reaching this generation and how to be more effective in extending God’s Kingdom. Everyone was so blessed and encouraged by the workshops.

That Saturday evening was our final session in Hong Kong. The crowd began to pack the hall by 7pm. The praise and worship team led the congregation in exuberant praise and heartfelt worship unto the Lord. Pastor Samuel Chiu (Pingtung) ministered God’s Word and shared his personal testimony on how God changed his life, bringing much encouragement to the church. Bringing closure to the meeting, Pastor Richard shared on “The Power of Surrender.” He challenged the people to lay everything down before the Lord so that He can do the impossible through them. Many young people came to the altar to lay down their lives, willing to die to their self and their desires so that they can have life in Christ. The people were so hungry for the presence of God. There was such a tremendous move of the Holy Spirit in that place where lives are being touched and transformed by the power of His Spirit. Truly one word from the Lord and our lives, our church and our city will never be the same again!

On Sunday afternoon, we went up to Shenzhen to have our History Maker Conference at a kindergarten. Pastor Samuel Chiu (Pingtung) shared God's Word, concluding with a time of prayer and ministry for the people. Later that evening we had the last session. There was much joy and exuberance in the air as the people lifted praise to Jesus and danced in celebration. Pastor Richard preached on David’s kindness to Mephibosheth; how the things we do in our generation will greatly affect the next generation. The Lord moved in our midst, touching lives and ministering to the various needs in that place.

Throughout the conference we experienced God’s mighty hand from the beginning to the end. It was amazing how God moved amongst His people who had a deep desire and desperate hunger for Him. We believe the churches in Hong Kong and Shenzhen were catapulted to a greater supernatural height. To God be the glory!